PhD Projects
Project | Naam | University | Yeargroup |
Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in Education | Emanuel Hentes | UU | 2024 |
Social Unsafety in Organisations | Nina Branten | RU | 2024 |
The Labor Market Outcomes of LGBT People with a Migration Background | Katia Aviles Quiroz | UU | 2024 |
Reproducing gender inequality: The intergenerational transmission of paid and unpaid work patterns | Emily Kruidhof | UU | 2024 |
Minimum standards for livelihood security | Laura Custers | UU/SCP | 2024 |
Substance Use to Get In or Get Out? Examining Substance Use and Risk Taking Among At-Risk Youth | Jan Behrens | RUG | 2024 |
The bright and dark sides of immigrant-origin minorities’ perceptions of host-country ownership in multi-ethnic societies | Janique Schep | UU | 2024 |
Prominent Reduction of Loneliness among Older Migrants through Interventions and Social Engagement (PROMISE) | Mirjam Kingma | RUG | 2024 |
Inequality of opportunity and selection in primary education | Elke Buschman | UvA | 2024 |
Simulation Models of the Collective Consequences of Bounded Rationality in Opinion Formation in Networks: the Cases of Market Concentration and Vaccination Opinion Polarisation. | Echo Teng Li | RUG | 2021 |
Substance use and the relation with high school social networks | Melissa A. González Loyola | RUG | 2024 |
A gender lens to facilitate sustainable climate actions | Maike Weiper | UU | 2023 |
Graph Neural Networks for Social Network Analysis | Pau Vila Soler | RUG | 2023 |
Decentralized Science (DeSci): Promises and Limitations of Blockchain Based Initiatives for Sustainable Value Creation in Academia? | Lidia Yatluk | RUG | 2023 |
Corporate quotas and gender equality within organizations | Sören Tumeltshammer | RUG | 2023 |
Do migrants in Europe age well? A mixed methods and intervention study in four countries (MIG-AGE) | Tuğçe Tezel | RUG | 2023 |
Structural discrimination and prejudice: a comparative, cumulative and intersectional perspective’. | Ely Strömberg | UvA | 2023 |
You belong with me: Explaining ethnic minority citizens’ experiences of political inclusion | Anuschka Peelen | RU | 2023 |
Social Movements in Iran: Why do Iranian Social Movements Fail? | Mazlum Özkan | RUG | 2023 |
Examining pathways to more sustainable consumption – the role of social-norm interventions | Joyce Pang | UU | 2023 |
Spatial Effects on Network Social Capital and Cohesion of Occupational Groups | Zhiyi Jin | RUG | 2023 |
Women in Policing | Gemma Geuke | UU | 2023 |
Recognition and Acknowledgement of Shared Economic Disadvantage | Eduardo Campbell-Bethancourt | UU | 2023 |
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Sustainable Cooperation through Reputation Based Governance and Smart Consensus? | Ilya Lavrov | RUG | 2023 |
Are dual identifiers (perceived as) social bridges in interethnic networks of youth? | Lexin Chen | UU | 2023 |
The impact of recognizing dual identifiers on interethnic relations among youth | Evangelos Dimosiaris | UU | 2023 |
Work-related gender norms in the Netherlands | Annelie Brüning | UU | 2023 |
The role of self-regulation in understanding inequality in educational opportunity | Nathalie Aerts | UvA | 2023 |
The role of religious cognition for the integration of Sunni Muslims | Yağmur Rumeli | UvA | 2023 |
Per similarity in self regulatory abilities | Alexandra Pior | RUG | 2023 |
Sustainable inter-organizational networks for post-disaster recover | Lavinia Damaschin | RUG | 2023 |
Individual and collective strategies to improve unsatisfactory working conditions | Jane Alexandra Siwa | RUG | 2024 |
Contextual effects on sexually and gender diverse youth’s school outcomes and health | Miriam Dietz | RUG | 2023 |
Consensual bargaining strategies: the road tosustainable industrial relations in an era of liberalization and precarization | Roos Winter | RUG | 2023 |
Why structurally integrated second-generation immigrants experience more discrimination from ethnic majority members. A two-sided approach to the integration paradox | Chloé Lavest | UU | 2022 |
“Diverse We stand” – Organizational Leadership Diversity and sustainable value creation in Periods of Crises | Giorgos Michelakis | RUG | 2023 |
Identities and Networks #1: social mechanisms linking group identities, social network structures and sustainable cooperation | Daniel Cowen | RUG | 2022 |
Elderly Care of Chinese Immigrants in the Netherlands: Attitudes, Family Solidarity and Well-being | Peiyao Zhang | UU | 2022 |
Cooperation Decay within Organizations | Sayoni Santara | RUG | 2022 |
Rule compliance in Covid-19 era | Rossella Vulcano | RUG | 2022 |
Recognizing dual ethnic/national identifiers in social networks: causes and consequences | Anniek Schlette | UU | 2022 |
Retirement preparation among migrants in Europe | Sara Marcora | UU | 2022 |
Women without a paid job and social benefits: a life course perspective | Lea Kröner | UU | 2022 |
Teachers’ socialization of positive intergroup relations. Disentangling ethnicity and social class | Iris Boer | UU | 2022 |
Understanding fertility outcomes by trying to predict them | Lisa Sivak | RUG | 2022 |
Plugged in? Effects of network embeddedness of Community initiatives on their success | Dennis Nientimp | RUG | 2022 |
“SPIN-OUT”: Predicting and preventing a spiral of mutually reinforcing negative outgroup attitudes (spin-out) in multi-ethnic classrooms | Alla Loseva | RUG | 2022 |
A life-course simulation approach to understanding fertility outcomes | Rolf Granholm | RUG | 2022 |
A life-course perspective on work-care patterns and their consequences | Aysegül Güneyli | RU | 2022 |
Diversity and multiplexity on the job: drawing on colleagues for career success | Paula Hoffmann | UU | 2021 |
Inclusivity Norms to Counter Polarization in European Societies | Jan-Willem Simons | UU | 2021 |
Employers’ evaluation of late-career vocational and general graduates in two countries | Luisa Burchartz | UvA | 2021 |
Global Financial Governance Networks: Ruptures, Reforms, and the Rise of China | Tiya (Jingting) Lei | RUG | 2021 |
Evaluating the effects of experiences with the police and police legitimacy on criminal behaviour | Amina Op de Weegh | UU | 2021 |
Social Networks as Change Agents for Equal Career Opportunities of Dutch PhDs? | Anne Maaike Mulders | RU | 2021 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Defenders’ Influence among Dutch Children | Zhe Dong | RUG | 2021 |
Career effects of education: a life course perspective (ERC Project CAREER) | Viktor Decker | UvA | 2021 |
Understanding old-age inequality: The impact of work, family, and health trajectories on post-retirement economic, social, and psychological well-being across Europe | Mustafa Firat | RU | 2021 |
The Socio-Political impact of Islamic Religiosity among Muslim citizens in Europe Today (Spirit) | Rachel Kollar | RU | 2021 |
Volunteering for Refugees in the Netherlands: Building a Common Identity | Maikel Meijeren | RU | 2020 |
Social networks and physical activity | Rob Franken | RU | 2020 |
Early career workers and leisure time activity | Sara Wiertsema | RU | 2020 |
Sources and consequences of beliefs about ethnic inequalities and discrimination | Katrin Müller | RU | 2020 |
Mental health and psychosocial support for displaced persons: The unintended consequences. | Tessa Ubels | RU | 2020 |
The emergence of sustainable care cooperatives, the role of social networks | Kevin Wittenberg | UU | 2020 |
Resources, Intersectionality and Institutions: Determinants of Social Benefit Dependency | Jos Slabbekoorn | UU | 2020 |
Multiplexity in Criminal Networks | Fenna van der Wijk | RUG | 2020 |
Further development of the ‘GRIP&GLEAM’ programme for people with a distance to the labormarket and young adults | Amber Dings | RUG | 2020 |
Reconciling epistemic and demographic diversity | Jonas Stein | RUG | 2020 |
A new urban-rural divide? Explaining attitudinal differences on the basis of inequalities | Twan Huijsmans | UVA | 2019 |
Flexible employment in 21st century workplaces | Sofie Wiersma | RUG | 2019 |
Ethnic diversity, norms and networks | Nick Wuestenenk | UU | 2019 |
The dark side of cooperation | Ana Macanovic | UU | 2019 |
An effective anti-bullying program for secondary education | Elsje de Vries | RUG | 2019 |
Social networks and educational inequality in the transition from primary to secondary education | Dieuwke Zwier | UVA | 2019 |
Ethnic discrimination in organizations: How can we reduce the influence of racial biases on hiring decisions? | Tobias Sachs | UVA | 2019 |
How organizations shape ethnic discrimination in the labour market: studying organizations | Katharina Stückradt | UVA | 2019 |
Subgroups in dynamic social networks | Stepan Zaretckii | RUG | 2019 |
Social Network and Prosocial Work Behaviour of Men and Women | Sanjana Singh | UU | 2018 |
Cross-border network governance for sustainable training in health care | Aliona Ignatieva | RUG | 2018 |
Informal social networks and organizational inclusion: The invisible minority’s dilemma | Julian Rengers | RUG | 2017 |
Electoral support for right-wing parties and local ethnic heterogeneity: modelling the macro-micro link | Thomas Feliciani | RUG | 2014 |
Identity Signaling and Sustainable Cooperation | Janine Weeting | RUG | 2013 |
The effectiveness of reputation systems in online market platforms: A meta-analysis, an experiment and a case study of the Chinese online market Taobao | Rita Jiao | UU | 2017 |
Perceiving peers’ relationships: Models for three-way social network data | Jing Liu | RUG | 2017 |
Who owns the country? Collective psychological ownership and intergroup relations in settler societies | Wybren Nooitgedagt | UU | 2017 |