Organizations: Fostering social welfare and sustainable work relations
Organizations and their labor markets are key for social welfare in modern societies. Their functioning affects virtually all domains of modern societies. Having a job in these organizations can be a source of social contacts, personal growth, and physical well-being, but can also cause pressure and personal dilemmas. During the past decades, both organizations and labor markets have gone through unprecedented transformations. These developments have far reaching consequences, not only for the way individuals make a living, build careers and connect to others. They have also sparked a proliferation of alternative organizational forms, fundamentally changing the way public and private organizations design and allocate tasks or motivate and control their employees.
The general aim of this cluster is to understand the repercussions that changes of work have on the resilience and social welfare of individuals in their households and communities.
It is studied how the increased prevalence of short-term contracts affects human capital, social and geographical mobility and social capital of individuals. In addition, research addresses how changes in the composition of the labor market affect how organizations govern the employment relationship and how effective alternative organizational structures are in creating sustainable work relations.
Key Publications
- Been, W., & de Beer, P. (2022). Combatting exploitation of migrant temporary agency workers through sectoral self-regulation in the UK and the Netherlands. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(2), 175–191.
- Damman, M., & Henkens, K. (2020). Gender differences in perceived workplace flexibility among older workers in the Netherlands: A brief report. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(8), 915-921.
- Garrido-Skurkowicz, N., Wittek, R. & la Roi, C. (2022) Performance of Hybrid Organisations. Challenges and Opportunities for Social and Commercial Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.
- van Hek, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2022). Why Female Employees Do Not Earn More under a Female Manager: A Mixed-Method Study. Work, Employment and Society.
- Silitonga, M. S., van Duijn, M., Heyse, L., & Wittek, R. (2019). Setting a good example? The effect of leader and peer behavior on corruption among Indonesian senior civil servants. Public Administration Review, 79(4), 565-579.
- Van der Lippe, T. & Lippenyi, Z. (eds.) (2019). Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe. London: Routledge.
Coordinators: Rafael Wittek, Tanja van der Lippe (contact information)
In the spotlight

Private: SOCION: 30 million euros for social cohesion research
The SOCION consortium, in which social sciences and humanities researchers from five different knowledge institutions are conducting research on social cohesion, has secured a €30 million Summit Grant