Alumni projects
Project | Naam | University | Yeargroup |
Diverse Stepfamilies: Parenting and Children’s Well-being | Ece Arat | UU | 2019 |
Teaching in culturally diverse classrooms: The importance of dyadic student-teacher relationships | Jolien Geerlings | UU | 2013 |
Not on the Same Track? Tracking Age and Gender Inequality in Education | Lotte Scheeren | UVA | 2015 |
Time to leave: Individual and contextual explanations for the timing of leaving home | Lonneke van den Berg | UvA | 2015 |
Pathways to Power: Political Careers and Political Networks in the Netherlands 1945-2010 | Tomas Turner-Zwinkels | RUG | 2012 |
Thriving Under Stress: Understanding What Makes Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adolescents Susceptible and Resilient to Minority Stress | Wouter Kiekens | RUG | 2018 |
Community Health Centers in Indonesia in the Era of Decentralization | Suwatin Miharti | RUG | 2014 |
Status Attainment in the Netherlands, 1811-1941. Spatial and Temporal Variation Before and During Industrialization. | Richard Zijdeman | UU | 2003 |
Diploma inflatie en verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt. Een studie naar ontwikkelingen in de opbrengsten van diploma’s in Nederland. | Maarten Wolbers | RU | 1994 |
Opleidingsspecialisatie en arbeidsmarktsucces van sociale wetenschappers. | Inge de Wolf | UU | 1995 |
Household Governance and Time Allocation. Four studies on the combination of work and care. | Philip Wotschack | RUG | 2000 |
Strangers into Friends. The Evolution of Friendship Networks Using an Individual Oriented Modeling Approach. | Evelien Zeggelink | RUG | 1989 |
Conflict During Decision-Making and the Implementation of European Policies | Asya Zhelyazkova | UU | 2007 |
Gendered Choices: Field of Study Choices of Male and Female Adolescents in the Netherlands | Maaike van der Vleuten | UU | 2013 |
Heterogeneity in Social Dilemmas: The Case of Social Support. | Sonja Vogt | UU | 2002 |
Sibling support: The Exchange of Help among Brothers and Sisters in the Netherlands. | Marieke Voorpostel | UU | 2002 |
Egoism, Altruism, and Social Justice. Theory and Experiments on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. | Sjerp de Vries | RUG | 1987 |
Measurement Error in Family Background Variables: The Bias in the Intergenerational Transmission of Status, Cultural Consumption, Party Preference, and Religiosity. | Jannes de Vries | RU | 2000 |
Labour Market Participation, National Identification and Social Trust among Immigrants and Refugees | Thomas de Vroome | UU | 2009 |
Competencies to Participate in Life. Measurement and the Impact of School. | Marieke van der Wal | RUG | 2000 |
Youth delinquency in Dutch cities and schools: A multilevel approach. | Gijs Weijters | RU | 2003 |
Field of Study and Social Inequality. Four Types of Educational Resources in the Process of Stratification in the Netherlands. | Herman van de Werfhorst | RU | 1996 |
Verschillen in ziekenhuisgebruik. | Gert Westert | RUG | 1987 |
Divided Parents, Shared Children? Children’s Residence Arrangements after Divorce and their Consequences for Children’s Well-being | Sarah Westphal | UU | 2010 |
Selectie en allocatie op de arbeidsmarkt. Een uitwerking voor de informele en geïnstitutionaliseerde kinderopvang. | Rudi Wielers | RUG | 1986 |
24/7 Negotiation in Couples Transition to Parenthood. | Stephanie Wiesmann | UU | 2002 |
Crime and Context. The Impact of Individual, Neighborhood, City and Country Characteristics on Victimization. | Johan van Wilsem | RU | 1998 |
Interdependence and Informal Control in Organizations. | Rafael Wittek | RUG | 1993 |
Transitions, Tracks and Transformations. Social Inequality in Transitions into, through and out of Secondary Education in the Netherlands for Cohorts Born Between 1914 and 1985. | Nicole Tieben | RU | 2004 |
Ethnic Hostility among Ethnic Majority and Minority Groups in the Netherlands. An Investigation into the Impact of Social Mobility Experiences, the Local Living Environment and Educational Attainment on Ethnic Hostility. | Jochem Tolsma | RU | 2004 |
Besluiten in uitvoering. Theorieën over beleidsuitvoering modelmatig getoetst op sociale vernieuwing in drie gemeenten. | René Torenvlied | UU | 1991 |
Is Fertility in the Genes? Unravelling the Gene X Environmental Interaction at Age at First Birth | Felix Christian Tropf | RUG | 2011 |
The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects. | Frank van Tubergen | UU | 2000 |
Supply of Day Care. | Rudi Turksema | UU | 1995 |
Pathways into Adulthood. A Comparative Study on Family Life Transitions among Migrant and Dutch Youth. | Helga de Valk | UU | 2001 |
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot…? Institutions of Communism, the Transition to Capitalism and Personal Networks: the Case of East Germany. | Beate Volker | UU | 1990 |
Inside an Internal Labor Market: Formal Rules, Flexibility and Career Lines in a Dutch Manufacturing Company. | Kees van Veen | RUG | 1991 |
Leerlingen – Klassen – Scholen. Prestaties en vorderingen van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs. | René Veenstra | RUG | 1994 |
Terrorists in Prison: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Detention and Rehabilitation of Violent Extremist Offenders | Tinka Veldhuis | RUG | 2008 |
The Partner as Resource or Restriction? Labour Market Careers of Husbands and Wives and the Consequences for Inequality Between Couples. | Ellen Verbakel | RU | 2003 |
Moet de meester dalen of de leerling klimmen? De invloed van literatuuronderwijs en ouders op het lezen van boeken tussen 1975 en 2000. | Marc Verboord | UU | 1997 |
Work schedules, childcare and well-being. Essays on the associations between modern-day job characteristics, childcare arrangements and the well-being of parents and children. | Melissa Verhoef-van Dorp | UU | 2013 |
Income Attainment in Post-Communist Societies. | Willem-Jan Verhoeven | UU | 2001 |
What’s Cooking? Cultural Boundaries among Dutch Teenagers of Different Ethnic Origins in the Context of School. | Lotte Vermeij | UU | 1998 |
Living Together Apart? Ethnic Concentration in the Neighborhood and Ethnic Minorities’ Social Contacts and Language Practices. | Miranda Vervoort | UU | 2008 |
Commitments and Reciprocity in Trust Situations. Experimental Studies on Obligation, Indignation, and Self-Consistency. | Manuela Vieth | UU | 2004 |
Social inequality in late working life and retirement in the Netherlands | Mark Visser | RU | 2012 |
Investing in Employees of Humanitarian Organizations: Waste or Way to Professionalization? | Miranda Visser | RUG | 2010 |
Gif laten wij niet voortbestaan. Een onderzoek naar de overlevingskansen van joden in de Nederlandse gemeenten, 1940-1945. | Peter Tammes | RU | 1997 |
The Adoption of Morality Policies in Western Europe | Roderick Sluiter | RU | 2007 |
‘You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours’ Versus ‘Love Thy Neighbour’. Two Proximate Mechanisms of Reciprocal Altruism. | Rita Smaniotto | RUG | 1999 |
Historical understandings of national identity, group processes and intergroup relations | Anouk Smeekes | UU | 2009 |
Opportunity and Marriage. The Impact of Individual Resources and Marriage Market Structure on First Marriage Timing and Partner Choice in the Netherlands. | Wilma Smeenk | RU | 1993 |
Ethnic Segregation in Friendship Networks: Studies of its Determinants in English, German, Dutch, and Swedish School Classes | Sanne Smith | UU | 2010 |
Religiosity among Immigrants | Fransje Smits | RU | 2007 |
Trust and Commitments. | Chris Snijders | UU | 1991 |
Invisible disability: wellbeing and career outcomes of individuals with degenerative eye conditions | Tali Spiegel | RUG | 2011 |
Sampling Personal Network Structures: Statistical Inference in Ego-Graphs. | Marinus Spreen | RUG | 1992 |
Integration in Schools. A Process Perspective on Students’ Interethnic Attitudes and Interpersonal Relationships. | Tobias Stark | RUG | 2006 |
Social and Physical Disorder. How Community, Business Presence and Entrepreneurs Influence Disorder in Dutch Neighborhoods. | Wouter Steenbeek | UU | 2006 |
The Framing of Decision Situations. Automatic Goal Selection and Rational Goal Pursuit. | Christian Steglich | RUG | 1995 |
Zo lang mogelijk zelfstandig. Naar een verklaring van verschillen in oriëntatie ten aanzien van opname in een verzorgingstehuis onder fysiek kwetsbare ouderen. | Nardi Steverink | RUG | 1989 |
Facing the Challenge of Rheumatoid Arthritis. A 13-year Prospective Study among Patients and Cross-Sectional Study among Their Partners. | Mathilde Strating | RUG | 2001 |
Kijken naar banen. Een onderzoek naar de inschatting van arbeidsmarktkansen bij schoolverlaters uit het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs. | Conny Taes | UU | 1987 |
Social Networks and Intergroup Conflict. | Károly Takács | RUG | 1997 |
Workplace Deviance: Four Studies on Employee Motives and Self-Regulation. | Stefan Thau | RUG | 2003 |
Quangocratization: Trends, Causes and Consequences. | Sandra van Thiel | UU | 1994 |
The Party Mandate: Election Pledges and Government Actions in the Netherlands, 1986-1998. | Robert Thomson | RUG | 1994 |
The reciprocal relationship between criminal victimization and offending | Josja Rokven | RU | 2012 |
Contract en Conflict: Strategisch Management van Inkooptransacties. | Gerrit Rooks | UU | 1995 |
Cabinets in Multi Party Democracies. The Effect of Dominant and Central Parties on Cabinet Composition and Durability. | Peter van Roozendaal | RUG | 1988 |
Household Outsourcing. | Esther de Ruijter | UU | 1999 |
Association in Context and Association as Context: Causes and Consequences of Voluntary Association Involvement. | Stijn Ruiter | UU | 2002 |
Social Relationships with Peers in the School-to-Work Transition | Britta Ruschoff | RUG | 2010 |
Vrouwelijke Pioniers. Vrouwen en mannen met een ‘mannelijke’ hogere beroepsopleiding aan het begin van hun loopbaan. | Karin Sanders | RUG | 1987 |
Ethnic Diversity in Local Communities. Its Relationship with Solidarity with the In-Group and Exclusionism of Out-Groups | Michael Savelkoul | RU | 2009 |
The Performance of Public Corporate Actors: Essays on Effects of Institutional and Network Embeddedness in Supranational, National, and Local Collaborative Contexts | Jelmer Schalk | UU | 2007 |
Ethnic Diversity in Intergenerational Solidarity. | Djamila Schans | UU | 2002 |
Marital Relationships and Crime over the Life Course: the Criminal Careers of Convicts and their Spouses | Marieke van Schellen | UU | 2005 |
Careers in Context | Wiebke Schulz | UU | 2007 |
Promoting Well-Being in Frail Elderly People. Theory and Intervention. | Hanneke Schuurmans | RUG | 2000 |
Statistical Methods for Studying the Evolution of Networks and Behavior. | Michael Schweinberger | RUG | 2002 |
Bridging Contexts: The interplay between Family, Child, and Peers in Explaining Problem Behavior in Early Adolescence. | Miranda Sentse | RUG | 2006 |
Goal Priorities, Cognition and Conflict. Analyses of Cognitive Maps Concerning Organizational Changes. | Timo Septer | RUG | 2008 |
Sibling Similarities and Social Stratification. The Impact of Family Background across Countries and Cohorts. | Inge Sieben | RU | 1996 |
Bounded Helping: The Development of Out-Group Helping Among Children. | Jellie Sierksma | UU | 2010 |
Adolescent aggressive behavior: Status and stimulation goals in relation to the peer context | Jelle Sijtsema | RUG | 2006 |
Institutional Change, Social Networks, and Corruption: The Case of Leaders in Indonesia’s Public Sector | Mala Sondang Silitonga | RUG | 2013 |
Bullying in schools: The role of teachers and classmates | Beau Oldenburg | RUG | 2011 |
The Gap between Decision and Implementation. Decision making, Delegation and Compliance in Governmental and Organizational Settings. | Annemarije Oosterwaal | UU | 2007 |
The Self in Social Rejection. | Jessica Pass | RUG | 2004 |
The group dynamics of adolescent risk behavior: The importance of clique characteristics for peer influencing | Kim Pattiselanno | RUG | 2010 |
Speaking up in Organizations: Four Studies on Employee Voice. | Birgit Pauksztat | RUG | 2005 |
Policy Making in the European Union: an Analysis of the Impact of the Reform of the Structural Funds in Ireland. | Diane Payne († 2019) | RUG | 1992 |
Vakantiegemeenschappen. Kwalitatief en Kwantitatief Onderzoek naar Gelegenheid en Refreshergemeenschap tijdens de Vakantie. | Carlijne Philips | RUG | 1997 |
Employee Motivation and Employee Performance in Child Care. The effects of the Introduction of Market Forces on Employees in the Dutch Child-Care Sector. | Mirjam Plantinga | RUG | 2001 |
Be a buddy, not a bully? Four studies on emotional and social processes related to bullying, defending and victimization | Rozemarijn van der Ploeg | RUG | 2011 |
Socioeconomic Causes and Consequences of Divorce. | Anne Rigt Poortman | UU | 1996 |
Changing Prejudice in Hungary. A Study on the Collapse of State Socialism and Its Impact on Prejudice Against Gypsies and Jews. | Koos Postma | RUG | 1990 |
Modern Love. Comparative Insights in Online Dating Preferences and Assortative Mating | Gina-Felicia Potarca | RUG | 2010 |
Social Stratification and Health. Four Essays on Social Determinants of Health and Wellbeing | Patrick Präg | RUG | 2009 |
Two generations of Crime: The Intergenerational Transmission of Convictions over the Life Course | Marieke van de Rakt | RU | 2004 |
Personal Networks and the Life Course | Jesper Rözer | UU | 2011 |
Religiosity and Solidarity – Dimensions and Relationships Disentangled and Tested. | Jan Reitsma | RU | 2002 |
Economic Lives of Artists. Studies into Careers and the Labour Market in the Cultural Sector. | Merijn Rengers | UU | 1996 |
Happy Families, High Fertility? Childbearing Choices in the Context of Family and Partner Relationships. | Arieke Rijken | UU | 2004 |
Educational Expansion and Status Attainment. A Cross-National and Over-Time Comparison. | Susanne Rijken | UU | 1993 |
Family Life Under Pressure? Parents’ Paid Work and the Quantity and Quality of Parent-Child and Family Time. | Anne Roeters | UU | 2005 |
Brug over Woelig Water: Lidmaatschap van Sportverenigingen, Vriendschappen, Kennissenkringen en Veralgemeend Vertrouwen. | Ruud van der Meulen | RU | 2000 |
The Feasibility of Cooperation under Various Sanctioning Institutions | Nynke van Miltenburg | UU | 2010 |
The Effect of Relative Group Size on Intergroup Relations | Anca Minescu | UU | 2004 |
Friends and Foes in the Occupational Career. The Influence of Sweet and Sour Social Capital on the Labour Market. | Hester Moerbeek | RU | 1993 |
The Effect of Neighborhood Social Capital and Personal Network on Individual Health | Sigrid Mohnen | UU | 2007 |
Networks in Contexts. How Meeting Opportunities Affect Personal Relationships. | Gerald Mollenhorst | UU | 2004 |
Education, Inequality and Health. The Impact of Partners and Life Course. | Christiaan Monden | RU | 1998 |
Explaining Worldwide Religious Diversity. The Relationship between Subsistence Technologies and Ideas about the Unknown in Pre-industrial and (Post-)industrial Societies. | Nienke Moor | RU | 2003 |
Complex Networks of Cooperative Relations | Dominik Morbitzer | UU | 2008 |
Social Exchange Networks and Team Performance | Edson Manuel Muñoz-Herrera | RUG | 2010 |
The Resistance to and Significance of Adolescents’ Cross-Ethnic Friendships in Multi-Ethnic Schools | Anke Munniksma | RU | 2008 |
The education divide in Indonesia: Four essays on determinants of unequal access to and quality of education | Tatang Muttaqin | RUG | 2012 |
Cultuurdeelname in de levensloop. | Ineke Nagel | UU | 1996 |
The Kindred Vote. Individual and Family Effects of Social Class and Religion on Electoral Change in the Netherlands, 1956 1994. | Ariana Need | RU | 1992 |
Life Events and Well Being: A Prospective Study on Changes in Well Being of Elderly People Due to a Serious Illness Event or Death of the Spouse. | Anna Petra Nieboer | RUG | 1992 |
Resources and Social Reproduction: The Effects of Cultural and Material Resources on Educational and Occupational Careers in Industrial Nations at the End of the Twentieth Century. | Jacques Niehof | RU | 1992 |
The control imperative. Studies on reorganization in the private and public sectors | Fernando Nieto Morales | RUG | 2010 |
Co-evolution of social networks and real-valued actor attributes. | Nynke Niezink | RUG | 2012 |
How the Group Affects the Mind: Effects of Communication in Idea Generating Groups. | Bernard Nijstad | UU | 1995 |
Parents and the Media. Causes and Consequences of Parental Media Socialization. | Natascha Notten | RU | 2005 |
Bijstand in Amsterdam, ca. 1800 – 1850. Armenzorg als beheersings en overlevingsstrategie. | Marco van Leeuwen | UU IISG | 1986 |
Abortion Laws in European Countries between 1960 and 2010. Legislative Developments and Their Consequences for Women’s Reproductive Decision-making. | Mark Levels | RU | 2006 |
Lastige Leerlingen. Een empirisch onderzoek naar sociale oorzaken van probleemgedrag op basisscholen. | Cornelis van Liere | RUG | 1986 |
Solidarity in Economic Transactions. An Experimental Study of Framing Effects in Bargaining and Contracting. | Paul Ligthart | RUG | 1988 |
Participatie in vrijwilligerswerk. | Ellen Lindeman | UU | 1990 |
Transition toward an open society? Intergenerational Social Mobility in Hungary in the 19th and 20th centuries | Zoltán Lippényi | UU | 2009 |
Arbeidsverdeling tussen mannen en vrouwen. | Tanja van der Lippe | UU | 1988 |
Exclusion of Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands. The Effects of Individual and Situational Characteristics on Opposition to Ethnic Policy and Ethnically Mixed Neighbourhoods | Marieke van Londen | RU | 2006 |
Exclusionistic Electorates. Extreme Right Wing Voting in Western Europe. | Marcel Lubbers | RU | 1996 |
Deelname aan podiumkunsten via de podia, de media en actieve beoefening. Substitutie of leereffecten? | Ineke Maas | UU | 1986 |
Probleemleerlingen in het basisonderwijs. | Cora Maas († 2010) | UU | 1987 |
Contextualising Religiosity of Dutch Muslims | Mieke Maliepaard | UU | 2007 |
Interethnic Contacts: A Dynamic Analysis of Interaction Between Immigrants and Natives in Western Countries. | Borja Martinovic | UU | 2005 |
Social Networks and Cooperation in Electronic Communities. A theoretical-empirical Analysis of Academic Communication and Internet Discussion Groups. | Uwe Matzat | RUG | 1996 |
The Diversity Puzzle. Explaining Clustering and Polarization of Opinions. | Michael Mäs | RUG | 2005 |
The Governance of the Employment Relation. A Relational Signaling Perspective. | Peter Mühlau | RUG | 1989 |
States of Freely Associating Citizens: Comparative Studies into the Impact of State Institutions on Social, Civic and Political Participation. | Tom van der Meer | RU | 2004 |
Verdringing op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. Sector en sekseverschillen. | Peter van der Meer | RUG | 1988 |
Depressive Symptoms in the General Population: a Multifactorial Social Approach. | Vivian Meertens | RU | 1998 |
Own Culture First? Nationalism and National Cultural Consumption | Roza Meuleman | UU | 2009 |
Explaining Ethnic Minority Women’s Labour Market Participation: the Role of Household Composition, Gender Ideology, Religiosity and the Welfare State | Yassine Khoudja | UU | 2013 |
Remaining Childless. Causes and Consequences from a Life Course Perspective. | Renske Keizer | NIDI UU | 2005 |
The Spreading of Disorder. | Kees Keizer | RUG | 2008 |
Promoting Anti-Corruption Reforms. Evaluating the Implementation of a World Bank Anti-Corruption Program in Seven African Countries (1999-2001). | Carolien Klein Haarhuis | UU | 1999 |
Social Background and Children’s Educational Careers. The Primary and Secondary Effects of Social Background over Transitions and over Time in the Netherlands. | Rianne Kloosterman | RU | 2005 |
Friendship Selection and Friends’ Influence. Dynamics of Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence. | Andrea Knecht | UU | 2002 |
Siblings in the Netherlands: Measured and unmeasured family effects on occupational status attainment of children | Antonie Knigge | UU | 2009 |
Professionalizing Humanitarian Aid – Changes in and Effects of HRM Policies in Humanitarian Organizations | Valeska Korff | RUG | 2007 |
Mothers and the Process of Social Stratification. | Sylvia Korupp | UU | 1995 |
For the Time Being. Accounting for Inconclusive Findings Concerning the Effects of Temporary Employment Relationships on Solidary Behavior of Employees. | Ferry Koster | RUG | 2000 |
Self-Improvement Interventions and their Effects on Employee Well-Being, Performance, and Cooperation | Thomas Kowalewski | RUG | 2010 |
Over lezen gesproken. Een studie naar sociale differentiatie in leesgedrag. | Gerbert Kraaykamp | RU | 1988 |
Communication and Performance: An Empirical Study in Innovation Teams. | Jan Kratzer | RUG | 1996 |
Healthcare Systems and Hospital Bed Use. | Madelon Kroneman | UU | 1993 |
Berufserfolg im Transformationsprozeß. Eine theoretisch empirische Studie über die Gewinner und Verlierer der Wende in Ostdeutschland. | Per Kropp | UU | 1992 |
Social Networks and Informal Power in Organizations | Alona Labun | RUG | 2007 |
Promoting Cooperation. Studies into the Effects of Long-Term and Short-Term Rewards on Cooperation of Employees. | Mattijs Lambooij | RUG | 2000 |
The geographic scale of the ethnic diversity-social cohesion relationship: Why only neighbourhood ethnic diversity erodes cohesion and only cohesion within neighbourhoods | Joran Laméris | RU | 2013 |
Labor Market Precarity among Dutch Youth: Causes and Consequences | Marloes de Lange | RU | 2008 |
Structure and Influence. Statistical Models for the Dynamics of Actor Attributes, Network Structure, and their Interdependence. | Roger Leenders | RUG | 1990 |
Family Solidarity: Changes Over Time and its Causes and Consequences | Martijn Hogerbrugge | UU | 2007 |
High Performance Human Resource Management in Ireland and the Netherlands: Adoption and Effectiveness. | Justine Horgan († 2013) | RUG | 1998 |
Network Effects on Treatment Results in a Closed Forensic Psychiatric Setting. | Ruud van der Horst | RUG | 2005 |
Gender, Aspirations, and Achievements: Relating work and family aspirations to occupational outcomes | Mariska van der Horst | UU | 2009 |
Beleidsuitvoering in gelaagde stelsels. De doorwerking van aanbevelingen van de Stichting van de Arbeid in het CAO-overleg | Gijs van Houten | UU | 2001 |
Family Life and Ethnic Attitudes. The Role of the Family for Attitudes Towards Intermarriage and Acculturation Among Minority and Majority Groups. | Willem Huijnk | UU | 2005 |
Social Ties and Health in Europe. Individual Associations, Cross-National Variations, and Contextual Explanations. | Tim Huijts | UU | 2006 |
A social network perspective on bullying | Gijs Huitsing | RUG | 2008 |
Gender Differences in Workplace Authority: An Empirical Study on Social Networks. | Renée van der Hulst | RUG | 1998 |
Workload and Provision of Care in General Practice. An Empirical Study of the Relation Between Workload of Dutch General Practitioners and the Content and Quality of their Care. | Jack Hutten | UU | 1989 |
Voting for a change. The democratic lure of populist radical right parties in voting behavior | Tim Immerzeel | UU | 2010 |
From Parents to Partners: The Impact of Family on Romantic Relationships in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood | Katya Ivanova | RUG | 2007 |
Software: Kopen of Kopiëren? Een sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek onder PC gebruikers. | Marc Jacobs | UU | 1988 |
Social Cleavages and Political Choices. Large-scale Comparisons of Social Class, Religion and Voting Behavior in Western Democracies. | Giedo Jansen | RU | 2006 |
Waardenoriëntaties en partnerrelaties. Een panelstudie naar wederzijdse invloeden. | Miranda Jansen | UU | 1997 |
Do Opposites Attract Divorce? Dimensions of Mixed Marriage and the Risk of Divorce in the Netherlands. | Jacques Janssen | RU | 1995 |
Intolerance over Time. Macro and Micro Level Questions on Attitudes Towards Euthanasia, Homosexuality and Ethnic Minorities. | Eva Jaspers | UU | 2003 |
People on Our Minds: When Humanized Contexts Activate Social Norms. | Janneke Jolij | RUG | 2003 |
The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital. | Agnieszka Kanas | RU | 2006 |
Wat scholieren bindt. Sociale gemeenschap in scholen. | Annelies Kassenberg | RUG | 1997 |
Trust and Exchange, Effects of Temporal Embeddedness and Network Embeddedness on Providing and Dividing a Surplus. | Thomas Gautschi | UU | 1997 |
Unreliability. Contract Discipline and Contract Governance under Economic Transition. | Róbert Gál | RUG | 1990 |
New Social Classes within the Service Class in the Netherlands and Britain. Adjusting the EGP Class Schema for the Technocrats and the Social and Cultural Specialists. | Ayse Güveli | RU | 2001 |
The Life-Course of the Low-Educated in the Netherlands: Social and Economic Risks. | Maurice Gesthuizen | RU | 1999 |
Peer Networks and Adolescents’ School Outcomes | Sara Geven | UU | 2011 |
Adolescents’ Reasoning About Personal Autonomy, Civil Liberties and Rights | Maike Gieling | UU | 2007 |
The Legitimation of Inequality in State-Socialist and Market Societies, 1987-1996. | Mérove Gijsberts | UU | 1994 |
Full-time Working Couples in the Netherlands. Causes and Consequences. | Wouter van Gils | RU | 2002 |
Effects of Regulation on Disability Duration. | Anne-Geerte van de Goor | UU | 1991 |
Status differentiation: New insights from agent-based modeling and social network analysis | André Grow | RUG | 2009 |
Research Groups in Dutch Sociology. | Jos de Haan | UU | 1989 |
Shaping Careers of Men and Women in Organizational Contexts. | Johan Hansen | UU | 1997 |
Putting Interethnic Attitudes in Context. The Relationship Between Neighbourhood Characteristics, Interethnic Attitudes and Residential Behaviour | Esther Havekes | UU | 2009 |
The Male-Female Gap in Educational Success. A Three-Level Cross-National Perspective | Margriet van Hek | UU | 2012 |
Attainment and Ethnic Attitudes. How to Explain their Relationship. | Evelyn Hello | RU | 1999 |
Votes and Policy Preferences. Equilibria in Party Systems. | Hanneke Hermsen | UU | 1987 |
Interminority Attitudes and Political Acculturation in The Netherlands. | Paul Hindriks | UU | 2010 |
LETS’ Be a Community. Community in Local Exchange Trading Systems. | Corine Hoeben | RUG | 1997 |
The Wellbeing of Partners of (ex-) Prisoners. | Susanne Hoff-de Goede, van’t | UU | 2011 |
Ethnic segregation of on-line social networks and its relationship to off-line networks and prejudice. | Bas Hofstra | UU | 2013 |
Regio zonder regie. Verschillen in en effectiviteit van gemeentelijk arbeidsmarktbeleid. | Marcel van Dam | UU | 1988 |
Cultural Participation and CKV. Studies on effects of arts education on students’ cultural participation during and after secondary education | Marie-Louise Damen | UU | 2000 |
Choices in Child Care. The Distribution of Child Care Among Mothers, Fathers and Non Parental Care Providers. | Liset van Dijk | UU | 1990 |
Status and Affection among (Pre)Adolescents and Their Relation with Antisocial and Prosocial Behavior. | Jan Kornelis Dijkstra | RUG | 2002 |
The Effects of Externalities on Partner Choice and Payoffs in Exchange Networks. | Jacob Dijkstra | RUG | 2002 |
The Impact of Family Status on Healthy Aging: A Life Course Approach | Maja Djundeva | RUG | 2011 |
The Division of Unpaid Work in the Household: A Stubborn Pattern? | Ingrid Doorten | UU | 2001 |
Time-Greedy Employment Relationships: Four Studies on the Time Claims of Post-Fordist Work. | Patricia van Echtelt | RUG | 2000 |
Rain Falls on All of Us (but Some Manage to Get More Wet than Others): Political Context and Electoral Participation. | Marcel van Egmond | RU | 1995 |
Activity and Well being in the Elderly. | Lucienne van Eijk | RUG | 1989 |
Gossip in Organizations. A Social Network Study. | Lea Ellwardt | RUG | 2006 |
Self-Management for Chronically Ill Older People. | Henrike Elzen | RUG | 2002 |
Parental Divorce, Conflict and Resources. The Effects on Children’s Behaviour Problems, Socioeconomic Attainment, and Transitions in the Demographic Career. | Tamar Fischer | RU | 1998 |
The Double Edge of Networks. An Analysis of the Effect of Informal Networks on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. | Andreas Flache | RUG | 1991 |
Trust in Dynamic Networks | Vincenz Frey | UU | 2010 |
‘Joint production’ als motor voor actief burgerschap in de buurt. | Margreet Frieling | RUG | 2007 |
Measurement of Individual Social Capital. | Martin van der Gaag | RUG | 1998 |
Solidarity and Ambivalence in Parent-Child Relationships. | Ruben van Gaalen | NIDI UU | 2002 |
Intertemporal Decision Making. | Alexander Gattig | RUG | 1995 |
Het stempel op de besluitvorming. Macht, invloed en besluitvorming op twee Amsterdamse beleidsterreinen. | Jaco Berveling | RUG | 1988 |
Prevalence and sources of ethnic discrimination in the Dutch labour market: Evidence from experimental and survey data | Lieselotte Blommaert | RU | 2008 |
Das Management von Technologiekoop¬erationen. Partnersuche und Verhandlungen mit dem Partner aus Empirisch Theoretischer Perspektive. | Boris Blumberg | UU | 1992 |
Innovation Adoption as a Socio Economic Process. The Case of the Ghanaian Cocoa Industry. | Kwasi Boahene | UU | 1990 |
Network Formation under Heterogenity | Michal Bojanowski | UU | 2005 |
Dutch EC Policy Making. A Model Guided Approach to Coordination and Negotiation. | Jan van den Bos | UU | 1986 |
Contacten en carrière. Een empirisch theoretisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen sociale netwerken en arbeidsmarktposities. | Ed Boxman | UU | 1987 |
Zeeland maids. Domestic service in the life course of women, 1850-1950. | Hilde Bras | UU | 1995 |
Gescheiden Netwerken. De relaties met vrienden en verwanten na echtscheiding. | Marjolein Broese van Groenou | UU | 1986 |
Individual Production of Social Well Being. An Exploratory Study. | Alinda van Bruggen | RUG | 1994 |
Parenting plans of Dutch divorced and separated parents: What, who and does it work? | Simon de Bruijn | UU | 2013 |
Family Matters at Work. Depleting and Enriching Effects of Employees’ Family lives on Work Outcomes. | Lieke ten Brummelhuis | UU | 2005 |
Linked Lives: Young Adults’ Life Course and Relations With Parents. | Freek Bucx | UU | 2004 |
Friends by Choice. An Actor-Oriented Statistical Network Model for Friendship Networks Through Time. | Gerhard van de Bunt | RUG | 1993 |
Social networks and trust | Vincent Buskens | UU | 1994 |
Uit het oog, uit het hart? Stabiliteit en verandering in persoonlijke relaties. | Jooske van Busschbach | RUG | 1988 |
Tussen hulpverlening en ondernemerschap. Beroepsuitoefening en taakopvattingen van openbare apothekers in een aantal West Europese landen. | Anneke Cancrinus-Matthijsse | RUG | 1988 |
Nationalistic Attitudes and Ethnic Exclusionism in a Comparative Perspective: An Empirical Study of Attitudes Toward the Country and Ethnic Immigrants in 22 Countries. | Marcel Coenders | UU | 1995 |
Solidarity among adolescents: The role of national commemorations and celebrations in a multi-ethnic society. | Manja Coopmans | UU | 2013 |
Co-evolution of Social Networks and Behavior in Social Dilemmas: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. | Rense Corten | UU | 2004 |
Labour Market Inequalities between Men and Women in Europe | Anja Abendroth | UU | 2008 |
Influence Strategies in Collective Decision Making. A Comparison of Two Models. | Marjolein Achterkamp | RUG | 1994 |
Verdeelde vakbeweging en stakingen. Concurrentie om leden. | Agnes Akkerman | RUG | 1994 |
Asymmetric Social Dilemmas with Applications to Inter-Ethnic Relations | Ozan Aksoy | UU | 2007 |
Sector Composition and the Effect of Education on Wages: an International Comparison. | Jim Allen | RUG | 1991 |
Negotiation in Legislative Decision-Making in the European Union. | Javier Arregui | RUG | 1999 |
Essays on Actor Perspectives in Exchange Networks and Social Dilemmas. | Marcel van Assen | UU | 1996 |
Politieke besluiten en boeren beslissingen. Het draagvlak van het mestbeleid tot 2000. | Corine Baarda | RUG | 1993 |
Commitment and Evolution: Connecting Emotion and Reason in Long-term Relationships. | István Back | RUG | 2003 |
Fertility, Social Capital and Personal Network | Nicoletta Balbo | RUG | 2008 |
Trust in Embedded Settings. | Davide Barrera | UU | 2000 |
Social Capital and Earnings Inequalities. The Role of Informal Job Search in Hungary. | Tamás Bartus | RUG | 1996 |
Automatisering in bedrijf. | Ronald Batenburg | RUG | 1986 |
Higher Level Managers and Workplace Work-Life Policies in European Organizations | Wike Been | UU | 2010 |
Occupational Hazard? The Relation between Occupations and Fertility | Katia Begall | RUG | 2008 |
The Popularity of Domestic Cultural Products: Cross-National Differences and the Relation to Globalization | Hidde Bekhuis | RU | 2008 |
Giving and Volunteering in the Netherlands: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives. | René Bekkers | UU | 1997 |
Loopbanen van oudere werknemers. | Marijke von Bergh | UU | 1992 |
Effects of Spouse’s Resources on Success at Work. | Wim Bernasco | UU | 1989 |
Religious Diversity and Religious Involvement. A Study of Religious Markets in Western Societies at the End of the Twentieth Century. | Olav Aarts | RU | 2004 |
Cooperative tendencies between employees and employers | Nikki van Gerwen | UU | 2014 |
Social network processes in academic achievement | Mariola Gremmen | RUG | 2014 |
Employability of older employees | Jelle Lössbroek | UU | 2014 |
Ethnic diversity and the dynamics of religion among youth in four European countries | Müge Simsek | UU | 2014 |
The economy and radical right voting | Take Sipma | RU | 2014 |
Relationship quality under pressing work-family conditions in European countries | Niels Blom | RU | 2014 |
The investments of organizations in work-family policies in Europe | Leonie van Breeschoten | UU | 2014 |
Secularization, educational expansion and changing national contexts: effects on socio-political changes in Europe over time | Paula Thijs | RU | 2014 |
The well-being and social connections of same-sex couples in Europe | Mirjam Fischer | UVA | 2013 |
Teachers and Classroom Composition as Context in Social Network Processes and Social Development | Ashwin Rambaran | RUG | 2013 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Adolescents’ Prosocial Relationships: Peer Group Dynamics at the Individual, Dyadic, Network, and Contextual Level | Loes van Rijsewijk | RUG | 2014 |
The effect of automation on workers | Jannes ten Berge | UU | 2015 |
Social networks and benefit receipt: How individual’s network impact on and may be affected by benefit receipt | Marcus Kristiansen | UU | 2015 |
Trust on the Dark Web | Lukas Norbutas | UU | 2015 |
Unity and diversity: Intergroup relations in rainbow nation Mauritius | Femke van den Werf | UU | 2015 |
Energy transitions: Community success conditions and pitfalls | Fleur Goedkoop | RUG | 2015 |
Migrants’ political representation and migrants’ voting behaviour | Roos van der Zwan | RU | 2015 |
Migrants’ Welfare State Attitudes | Jeanette Renema | RU | 2015 |
Clashrooms: Interethnic peer relationships in classrooms in the Philippines and the Netherlands | Marianne Hooijsma | RUG | 2015 |
The position of chronic victims and the effectiveness of the support group in reducing bullying | Tessa Kaufman | RUG | 2015 |
Handling Missing Social Network Data | Robert Krause | RUG | 2015 |
Understanding the emergence of cooperation on complex dynamic networks | Joris Broere | UU | 2015 |
Ethnic Discrimination in the Labor Market: a Cross-National Comparison | Lex Thijssen | UU | 2015 |
The co-evolution of well-being and the kinship network after parental divorce | Vera de Bel | RUG | 2015 |
Mechanisms of educational inequality in different educational systems | Andrea Forster | UVA | 2015 |
Segregation and social capital in social networks | Marina Tulin | UVA | 2015 |
Towards an improved understanding of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) well-being and health: A lifecourse perspective | Chaïm la Roi | RUG | 2014 |
Understanding childlessness: Unravelling the relationship between genes and socio-environment | Renske Verweij | RUG | 2014 |
Cooperation in normatively ambiguous situations | Dieko Bakker | RUG | 2014 |
Understanding territorial disputes in divided societies: collective psychological ownership as a barrier to reconciliation | Nora Storz | UU | 2017 |
The boundaries of intergroup toleration | Evi Velthuis | UU | 2017 |
Effectiveness in coaching teachers to take an active stance against bullying | Danelien van Aalst | RUG | 2016 |
Will the personalization of online social networks intensify opinion polarization? | Marijn Keijzer | RUG | 2016 |
Women’s work in China in the Twentieth Century | Siyang Kong | UU | 2016 |
A multidisciplinary approach to understand successful collective action: the case of Dutch mutuals | Eva Vriens | UU | 2016 |
A dynamic look at intergroup contact: positive and negative relations | Mathijs Kros | UU | 2016 |
Where are the Muslim feminists? Explaining the reconciliation of Islamic beliefs with support for gender equality and sexual freedom among Arab Middle Eastern citizens | Saskia Glas | RU | 2016 |
Criminal Networks | Tomas Diviak | RUG | 2016 |
Social networks and academic performance | Diego Palacios | RUG | 2016 |
The origins of trust in the sharing economy | Judith Kas | UU | 2016 |
Craftsmanship as a solution to youth unemployment? | Ardita Muja | RU | 2016 |
Support for interreligious violence in Indonesian conflict zones | Tery Setiawan | RU | 2016 |
Intergenerational Solidarity in an Era of Family Complexity | Kirsten van Houdt | UVA | 2016 |
Intergenerational reproduction in an era of family complexity | Suzanne de Leeuw | UVA | 2016 |
A Contextual Approach to Understanding Women’s Underrepresentation in Organizational Authority | Dragana Stojmenovska | UVA | 2016 |
Adverse youth experiences and educational and occupational success: Resources and resilience | Carlijn Bussemakers | RU | 2017 |
To be Tolerated: Implications for Well-Being and Collective Action | Sara Cvetkovska | UU | 2017 |
Practicing Toleration: its Underlying Processes | Marija Dangubic | UU | 2017 |
The integration paradox revisited | Nella Geurts | RU | 2017 |
The long-term socioeconomic consequences of job loss and union dissolution | Bram Hogendoorn | UVA | 2017 |
The network of parent figures in an era of family complexity | Maaike Hornstra | UVA | 2017 |
Durable Cooperation in Complex Families | Tara Koster | UU | 2017 |
The Educational Divide in Cosmopolitan Orientations: Skills, Selection, or Socialization? | Sander Kunst | UVA | 2017 |
‘We were here first’: Autochthony as a justification for anti-immigration attitudes and policies in Western Europe | Tom Nijs | UU | 2017 |
Co-evolution of social networks and inflection diseases | Hendrik Nunner | UU | 2017 |