Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology

James Coleman Symposium 12 April 2024

Announcement Speaker JCA Symposium 2024
This years symposium is about:
Climate Crisis: Social Science Strategies for Change
  • Prof. dr. (em.) Andreas Diekmann (ETH Zürich): Effective climate policies. How to deal with inequality and the problem of policy acceptance
  • Dr. Thijs van Dooremalen (U-Leiden): Extreme weather events: blessings in disguise to tackle the climate crisis?
  • Dr. Tim Immerzeel (UU): Climate Lessons: How climate sociology education provides new generations with action perspectives
  • Dr. Daan Uhm (UU): Climate change, criminogenic asymmetries, and ecojustice
  • Prof. Dr. Tine de Moor (EUR): Triggering transitions? Identifying spill-over effects of citizen collectives
Practical details:
Date: Friday, April 12
Time: 13:00-17:00
Location: Academy Building, Utrecht University
Via this online form

In the spotlight

Private: SOCION: 30 million euros for social cohesion research

The SOCION consortium, in which social sciences and humanities researchers from five different knowledge institutions are conducting research on social cohesion, has secured a €30 million Summit Grant

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