Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology

Vacancies ICS Graduate School

Currently there are 4 PhD positions open:

2 PhD positions at the Utrecht University 

2 PhD positions with the project “Meer uren werkt!”. Meer uren werkt! is a joint programme of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and several research institutes. The aim is to break the Dutch part-time culture and remove barriers so that part-timers who want to can work more hours.

Project description for “Increasing working hours among part-timers with flextime?.

Project description for “Social and individual mechanisms behind choices for work hours

Call for applications

Deadline for the applications is May 7, 2015.


1 PhD position at the Radboud University 

PhD Position at the department of Sociology at the Radboud University “Preventing working caregivers to reduce working hours by employer interventions”

Read here the project description. Call for applications

Deadline for the application is May 4, 2025.


1 PhD position at the Utrecht University 

PhD Position in Sociology “Taking a detour. How flexibility in the educational system shapes
educational inequality in higher education”. Read here the project descriptionCall for applications

Deadline for the application is April 15, 2025.


Application is closed: 

1 PhD position at the University of Groningen 

PhD Position in Sociology “PhD position on reliable modelling of social network data”

Read here the project descriptionCall for applications.

Deadline for the application is March 30, 2025.


1 PhD position at the University of Groningen:

PhD Position in Sociology “PhD on Substance Use and Risk Taking Among At-Risk Youth”, read the job description.LINK

The deadline for the application is June 27, 2024.

1 PhD position at the Radboud University:

PhD Position in Sociology “Social Unsafety in Organisations”, read the project description. LINK

The deadline for the application is June 10. 2024.




1 PhD position at the University of Amsterdam:

PhD Position in Sociology of Education “Making or breaking the class ceiling: growth-affording teacher beliefs and practices in a selective school system”, read the project description. LINK 

The deadline for the applications  is May 12, 2024.

1 PhD position at the University of Groningen:

Prominent Reduction of loneliness among Older Migrants through Interventions and Social Engagement (PROMISE), read the project description.  LINK

The deadline for the applications  is April 30, 2024.

1 PhD position at the Utrecht University: 

“This country is also ours”: The bright and dark sides of immigrant minorities’ perceptions of host-country ownership. Read here the job description. LINK

The deadline for the application is April 15, 2024.


1 Postdoc position at the Utrecht University:

The postdoc will study the role of dual identifiers (e.g., Turkish-Dutch people) in interethnic social networks. Because the postdoc will coordinate a large data collection in Dutch schools, Dutch language proficiency is necessary.  LINK

The deadline for the application is April 10, 2024.


1 PhD position at the Utrecht University: 

The Labor Market Outcomes of LGBT People with a Migration Background LINK

The deadline for the application is March 24, 2024.

1 PhD position at the Utrecht University: 

Reproducing gender inequality in paid and unpaid work patterns LINK

The deadline for the application is March 15, 2024.


1 PhD position at the University of Groningen:

PhD Realistic computational models of behavior in cascading disasters LINK

The deadline for the application is January 9, 2024.








* Project descriptions
The project description PhD Projects 2023 consists of:

  • Title of the project
  • Description of the research questions
  • Literature that supports the research question
  • Location of the project
  • Supervisors of the project

** You will need to upload the following documents:

  • CV including 2 references (contact data)
  • Letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)
  • Copy of your diploma (including grades), or in case you have not finished yet: an official  overview of your grades this far, or an expectation letter (including grades) from your thesis supervisor or study counselor, showing an estimated graduation date
  • Copy of your master thesis (or draft if you have not finished yet)
  • Reference letter(s) – optional

Questions: You can contact us via

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