Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology


First name Last name University Topic Contact
Dragana Stjmenovska uva gender, work, inequality, administrative data email
Ashwin Rambaran ru Fundamental and applied research on social networks and human development, social inequality and diversity in educational settings email
Klara Raiber ru work-family dynamics, gender, and informal/unpaid caregiving consequences email
Andrea Forster uu mechanisms of educational inequality, returns to education, the transition from school-to-work, vocational education, labor market inequalities over the life-course, social stratification email
Nuyen Nguyen uu email
Jiamin Ou uu email
Daniel Mayerhoffer uva email
Sauro Civitillo uu racism in school, school-based discrimination, culturally responsive teaching email
Paulina Pankowska uu quantitative research methods, statistics, survey methodology, data quality email
Isabelle van de Vegt uu crime, extremism, violence, computational social science, computational linguistics email
Müge Simsek uva religion, immigrant integration, youth development email
Daniel Mayerhoffer uva agent-based modelling; computational social science; inequality perceptions; analytical sociology; homophilic network formation email
Eva Zschirnt uva discrimination, ethnic inequality in labor and housing markets, immigrant integration email
Meta van der Linden uu interethnic relations, integration, interethnic attitudes, prejudice, trust, ethnic diversity, policy evaluation email
Floris Peters uu citizenship, immigrant integration, life course, register data email
Mathijs Kros uu interethnic relations, social networks, crime email
Wike Been rug Labor market, working conditions, precarious work, industrial relations email
Deni Mazrekaj uu Dynamics of Youth, Gender and Diversity, Children and Family, Education, Labour Market, Gender email
Lucas Drouhot uu Immigration & integration, social inequality, social networks, culture email
Jaap Nieuwenhuis rug social stratification, segregation, education, personality email
Vincenz Frey rug social dilemmas, social dynamics, social networks, game theory, experimental methods email
Klara Raiber ru 2019 email
Marleen Damman uu labor market, life course, older workers, retirement, solo self-employed email
Wouter Kiekens rug sexual and gender diversity, adolescents, mental health, substance use email
Anne van der Put uu organization in promoting a healthy lifestyle, well-being and vitality among employees, social work environment of employees email
Marieke Haan rug Survey Methodology, mixed-mode and mixed-device surveys, targeting of hard-to-survey populations, interviewer-respondent interaction email
Zoltán Lippényi rug organizational Sociology, sociology of Work, social Inequality, mobility, stratification email
Wojtek Przepiorka uu analytical sociology, economic sociology, game theory, organizational behaviour, quantitative methodology, in particular experimental methods email
Werner Raub uu analytical social science, philosophy, choice models, game-theoretic models email
Vincent Buskens uu social networks, game theory, experimental, mathematical and theoretical sociology, research methods email
Verena Seibel uu inter-ethnic relations, welfare state attitudes, immigrant labour market integration email
Tom Snijders rug social networks, multilevel analysis, stochastic models, social influence email
Tobias Stark uu contact theory, cultural diversity in parenting and education, ethnic groups, integration, racism, school segregation, social networks, stereotype, prejudice, black schools email
Thijs Bol uva stratification, wage inequality, education, occupations email
Tanja van der Lippe uu family sociology, organisation sociology email
Stijn Ruiter uu social and spatial aspects of criminal and other deviant behavior email
Stephanie Steinmetz uva social stratification, gender and educational inequalities, comparative labour market research, quantitative and qualitative research methods email
Siegwart Lindenberg rug cognitive sociology, goal-forming theory, solidarity, groups and relationships email
Saskia Glas ru gender equality, islam, Middle East and North Africa email
Sara Geven uva educational sociology, social stratification, teacher expectations and track recommendations, social networks, quantitative methods and statistics email
Rudi Wielers rug sociology of work, sociology of organisation email
Roza Meuleman ru cultural, nationalism email
Ronald Batenburg ru health care profession, education, labor market policy email
Rob Eisinga ru research methods, statistics email
Rense Corten uu Computational social science, Experimental sociology, social media, Social networks, sociology, game theory, citizens' collectivities email
René Veenstra rug bullying, victimization, prosocial and antisocial behavior, peers, social networks email
Rafael Wittek rug organization research, social network analysis, humanitarian aid, aging email
Peer Scheepers ru comparative research, social cohesion, diversity email
Özge Bilgili uu migration and integration policy analysis, citizenship, mobility, migration email
Niels Spierings ru islam, gender diversity, populism, social media, Middle-East, migration email
Nella Geurts ru migrants’ inclusion, mixed methods, identity, integration email
Nardi Steverink rug healthy aging, life course, social relations, well-being, happiness email
Michael Savelkoul ru ethnic diversity, prejudices, social cohesion email
Mérove Gijsberts uu dynamics of immigrant integation email
Maykel Verkuyten uu relations between cultures and groups email
Maurice Gesthuizen ru poverty, social cohesion email
Mark Huisman rug missing data, imputation, multivariate statistics, network analysis email
Mark Visser ru older workers, radicalization, social cohesion email
Marijtje van Duijn rug regression, multilevel, social network analysis, generalized linear modelling email
Margriet van Hek ru educational sociology, social Stratification, gender inequality, cultural capital, comparative sociology, organizational sociology email
Marco van Leeuwen uu charity, philanthropy, history of risk, long term change, mutual aid, segregation, social inequality, social stratification and mobility, social welfare, insurance email
Marcel van Assen uu frailty, game theory, social dilemmas, social networks email
Marcel Lubbers uu exclusion, radicalization, integration email
Maarten Wolbers ru educational and labor market inequality email
Liliya Leopold uva social epidemiology, demography, medical sociology email
Lieselotte Blommaert ru discrimination, labor market inequality email
Liesbet Heyse rug organization research, public sector reform, nonprofit sector change email
Kees Aarts rug democracy, electoral behaviour email
Katia Begall ru couple analysis, work-family conflicts, fertility email
Jochem Thijs uu (ethnic) relations in educational contexts,  educational adjustment of ethnic minority children and adolescents email
Jochem Tolsma ru inequality, criminology, ethnic diversity email
Jeroen Weesie uu trust and cooperation, mathematical modeling, computer simulation email
Jacob Dijkstra rug game theory, exchange networks, collective decision making, inter-group conflict email
Ineke Maas uu integration, country comparison, long term change, inequality, social mobility email
Gijs Huitsing rug bullying, victimization, prosocial and antisocial behavior, peer relation, group dynamics email
Gert Stulp rug reproductive decision making, egocentric networks, biosocial approach, evulationary theory email
Gerbert Kraaykamp ru eductional inequality, culture, health email
Frans Stokman rug models of collective decision making, social networks, sustainability, social cohesion email
Frank van Tubergen uu immigration, religion, social networks, social inequality email
Francesca Giardini rug reputation, gossip, governance, agent-based modelling email
Fenella Fleischmann uva cultural identity, immigrant integration, migration, religion email
Eva Jaspers uu gender and ethnic attitudes, inequality, at home, in schools, labor market email
Ellen Verbakel ru health, family, work email
Cok Vrooman uu labor market, poverty, institutions, participation, exclusion, social security email
Christian Steglich rug social networks, stochastic modeling email
Bram Lancee uva ethnical inequality in labor market, social capital, social participation email
Borja Martinovic uu cultural identity, immigrant integration, interethnic attitudes, intra- & intergroup relations, multilingualism, Prejudice and discrimination email
Basak Bilecen rug migration, relational sociology, social network analysis, social inequalities, transnational social protection, internationalization of education email
Antonie Knigge uu inequality, sibling models, social mobility, social stratification, status attainment email
Anouk Smeekes uu ethnic relations, Identity and cultural diversity, intra- & intergroup relations, national identity email
Anne-Rigt Poortman uu family sociology, social demography email
Andreas Flache rug social integration, social networks, agent-based modelling, social complexity email
Amy Nivette uu crime, criminal justice, social control email