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All PhD theses by ICS PhD students are listed below. If you are interested in a digital copy which is not uploaded on this page, you can contact the author. Contact information can be found in this overview. You can also contact the ICS via ics@uu.nl
- 350. Lian van Vemde (2025), “Creating inclusive societies: Fostering belonging and positive intergroup relations in culturally diverse classrooms.” ICS Dissertation, Utrecht
- 349. Dieuwke Zwier (2025), “Rhythms of class: Socio-economic disparities and peer dynamics in secondary school choice.” ICS Dissertation, Amsterdam
- 348. Thijmen Jeroense (2025), “Social network segregation: Studies on network homogeneity in sociodemographic characteristics and political attitudes.” ICS Dissertation, Nijmegen
- 347. Thomas Feliciani (2025), “Divided spaces and divided opinions – Modeling the Impact of Residential Segregation on Opinion Polarization.” ICS Dissertation, Groningen
- 346. Echo Teng Li (2024), “Simulation Models of the Collective Consequences of Bounded Rationality in Opion Formation in Networks – Caes of Market Concentration and Vaccination Opinion Polarization.” ICS Dissertation, Groningen
- 345. Xingna Qin (2024), “In Connection – The Role of Peers, Parents, and Teachers in Adolescent Friendship Dynamics.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 344. Sofie Lorijn (2024), “Peer Relationships in the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 343. Klara Raiber (2024), “Beyond Sacrifice? Long-Term Employment Consequences of Providing Unpaid Care.” ICS dissertation, Nijmege
- 342. Renae Sze Ming Loh (2024), “Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education.” ICS dissertation, Nijmege
- 341. Nick Wuestenenk (2024), “Support for sexual liberalization among ethnic majorities and minorities in Europe: The role of social norms in the public expression of opinions.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 340. Philipp Schneider (2024), “Social Influence and the Energy Transition: Leveraging social networks and norms.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 339. Christoph Janietz (2024), “Inequality at work: Occupations, organizations, and the wage distribution.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 338. Ana Macanović (2024), “Trust in the shadows: The role of communication in extra-legal contexts.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 337. Thomas Teekens (2024), “Sustainable collaboration in care: Joint production motivation and interprofessional learning in an interorganizational network.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 336. Twan Huijsmans (2024), “Our place in politics: Urban-rural divergence and how place affects political attitudes.” ICS dissertation, Amsterda
- 335. Vera Buijs (2024), “Close relationships and subjective well-being: A life course perspective on social needs, relations, and interactions.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 334. Christian Fang (2024), “Family life in postdivorce families.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 333. Ece Arat (2024), “Diverse stepfamilies: Parenting and children’s well-being.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 332. Kim Stienstra (2024), “Educational quality and inequality: The interplay between schools, families, and genes.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 331. Marlou Ramaekers (2024), “Informal helping. Insights from a dyadic, family and societal perspective.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 330. Ruohuang Jiao (2023), “Reputation effects in peer-to-peer online markets: meta-analyses and laboratory experiments.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 329. Carlos de Matos Fernandes (2023), “In or out? The paradox of exclusionary mechanisms in keeping cooperation going. ” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 328. Kasper Otten (2023), “Cooperation in changing groups: How newcomers and norms shape public good provision in the lab, online games, and the field.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 327. Eleonora Marucci (2023), “Antecedents and consequences of teacher attunement in primary and secondary school classrooms” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 326. Inge Hendriks (2023), “Changes and contrasts in attitudes towards ethnic minorities” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 325. Sanne Kellij (2023), “I see, I see what you don’t see: Neural and behavioral social-cognitive processes underlying (persistent) victimization ” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 324. Rowan ten Kate (2023), “Understanding loneliness among older migrants” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 323. Anne van der Put (2023), “Healthy at work: The role of the work environment in worksite health promotion.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 322. Carly van Mensvoort (2023), “Inspiring leaders: An empirical study of female supervisors at work.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 321. Hendrik Nunner (2023), “Co-evolution of social networks and infectious diseases.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 320. Evi Velthuis (2022), “To tolerate or not to tolerate?’ Reasons for tolerance of minority group practices among majority members in the Netherlands and Germany.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 319. Carlijn Bussemakers (2022), “Adversity and educational inequality: The interplay between adverse experiences and parental resources for children’s educational attainment.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 318. Wouter Kiekens (2022), “Sexual and gender minority youth’s mental health and substance use: Disparities, mechanisms, and protective factors” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 317. Maaike Hornstra (2022), “Going beyond the dyad: Adult intergenerational closeness after divorce and remarriage” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 316. Sara Cvetkovska (2022), “Lines in the shifting sand: The implications of being tolerated” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 315. Marija Dangubic (2022), “Rejecting Muslim minority practices: Principles and prejudices”. ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 314. Wybren Nooitgedacht (2022), “Who owns the country?” Collective psychological ownership and intergroup relations in settler societies. ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 313. Danelien van Aalst (2022), “Elements Contributing to Teachers’ Role in Bullying”. ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 312. Tara Koster (2022), “Parenting and fairness in diverse families”. ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 311. Nora Storz (2022), “This land is ours – but is it also theirs? ” Collective ownership beliefs and reconciliation in territorial conflict regions. ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 310. Tom Nijs (2022), “This place is ours: Collective psychological ownership and its social consequences.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 309. Bram Hogendoorn (2022), “Divorce and inequality: Stratification in the risk and consequences of union dissolution.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 308. Dragana Stojmenovska (2022), “Men’s place: The incomplete integration of women in workplace authority.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 307. Nella Geurts (2022), “Puzzling pathways: The integration paradox among migrants in Western Europe.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 306. Sander Kunst (2022), “The educational divide in openness towards globalisation in Western Europe.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 305. Marijn Keijzer (2022), “Opinion dynamics in online social media.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 304. Siyang Kong (2021), “Women and work in contemporary China: The effect of market transition on women’s employment, earnings, and status attainment.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 303. Ardita Muja (2021), “From school to work: The role of the vocational specificity of education in young people’s labor market integration.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 302. Eva Vriens (2021), “Mutualism in the 21st century: The why, when, and how behind successful risk-sharing institutions.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 301. Fleur Goedkoop (2021), “Involvement in bottom-up energy transitions: The role of local and contextual embeddedness.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 300. Suzanne de Leeuw (2021), “The intergenerational transmission of educational attainment after divorce and remarriage.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 299. Kirsten van Houdt (2021), “Stepfamilies in adulthood: Solidarity between parents and adult children.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 298. Jolien Geerlings (2021), “Teaching in culturally diverse classrooms: The importance of dyadic relations between teachers and children.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 297. Jannes ten Berge (2021), “Technological change and work: The relation between technology implementation within organizations and changes in workers’ employment.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 296. Andrea Forster (2021), “Navigating educational institutions: Mechanisms of educational inequality and social mobility in different educational systems.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 295. Judith Kas (2021), “Trust and reputation in the peer-to-peer platform economy.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 294. Marcus Kristiansen (2021), “Contact with benefits: How social networks affect benefit receipt dynamics in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 293. Joris Broere (2020), “Essays on how social network structure affects asymmetric coordination and trust.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 292. Lotte Scheeren (2020), “Not on the same track? Tracking age and gender inequality in education.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 291. Tomas Turner-Zwinkels (2020), “A new macro-micro approach to the study of political careers: Theoretical, Methodological and empirical challenges and solutions.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 290. Saskia Glas (2020), “Where are the Muslim Feminists? Religiosity and support for gender equality in the Arab region.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 289. Diego Palacios (2020), “How context and the perception of peers’ behaviors shape relationships in adolescence: A multiplex social network perspective.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 288. Vera de Bel (2020), “The ripple effect in family networks: Relational structures and well-being in divorced and non-divorced families.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 287. Tery Setiawan (2020), “Support for interreligious conflict in Indonesia.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 286. Tomáš Diviák (2020), “Criminal networks: Actors, mechanisms, and structures.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 285. Lukas Norbutas (2020), “Trust on the dark web: An analysis of illegal online drug markets.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 284. Lex Thijssen (2020), “Racial and ethnic discrimination in western labor markets: Empirical evidence from field experiments.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 283. Tessa Kaufman (2020), “Toward tailored interventions: Explaining, assessing, and preventing persistent victimization of bullying.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 282. Marina Tulin (2020), “Blind spots in social resource theory: Essays on the creation, maintenance and returns of social capital.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 281. Marianne Hooijsma (2020), “Clashrooms: Interethnic peer relationships in schools.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 280. Lonneke van den Berg (2020), “Time to leave: Individual and contextual explanations for the timing of leaving home.” ICS dissertation, Amsterdam
- 279. Mathijs Kros (2020), “The nature of negative contact: Studies on interethnic relations in Western societies.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 278. Take Sipma (2020), “Economic insecurity and populist radical right voting.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 277. Robert Krause (2019), “Multiple imputation for missing network data.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 276. Femke van der Werf (2019), “Shadow of a rainbow? National and ethnic belonging in Mauritius.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 275. Dieko Bakker (2019), “Cooperation and social control: Effects of preferences, institutions, and social structure.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 274. Ashwin Rambaran (2019), “The classroom as context for bullying: A social network approach.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 273. Roos van der Zwan (2019), “The political representation of ethnic minorities and their vote choice.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 272. Leonie van Breeschoten (2019), “Combining a career and childcare: The use and usefulness of work-family policies in European organizations.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 271. Müge Simsek (2019), “The dynamics of religion among native and immigrant youth in Western Europe.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 270. Niels Blom (2019), “Partner relationship quality under pressing work conditions: Longitudinal and cross-national investigation.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 269. Renske Verweij (2019), “Understanding childlessness: Unravelling the link with genes and the socio-environment.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 268. Paula Thijs (2019), “Trends in cultural conservatism: The role of educational expansion, secularisation, and changing national contexts.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 267. Nikki van Gerwen (2019), “Employee cooperation through training: A multi-method approach.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 266. Jelle Lössbroek (2019), “Turning grey into gold: Employer-employee interplay in an ageing workforce.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 265. Chaïm la Roi (2019), “Stigma and stress: Studies on attitudes towards sexual minority orientations and the association between sexual orientation and mental health.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 264. Suwatin Miharti (2018), “Community health centers in Indonesia in the era of decentralization: The impact of structure, staff composition and management on health outcomes.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 263. Jeanette Renema (2018), “Immigrants’ support for welfare spending: The causes and consequences of welfare usage and welfare knowledgeability.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 262. Mariola Gremmen (2018), “Social network processes and academic functioning: The role of peers in students’ school well-being, academic engagement, and academic achievement.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 261. Loes van Rijsewijk (2018), “Antecedents and consequences of helping among adolescents.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 260. Susanne van ‘t Hoff-de Goede (2018), “While you were locked up: An empirical study on the characteristics, social surroundings and wellbeing of partners of prisoners in The Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 259. Simon de Bruijn (2018), “Reaching agreement after divorce and separation: Essays on the effectiveness of parenting plans and divorce mediation.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 258. Nynke Niezink (2018), “Modeling the dynamics of networks and continuous behavior.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 257. Paul Hindriks (2018), “The struggle for power: Attitudes towards the political participation of ethnic minorities.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 256. Manja Coopmans (2018), “Rituals of the past in the context of the present: The role of Remembrance Day and Liberation Day in Dutch society.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 255. Mala Sondang Silitonga (2018), “Corruption in Indonesia: The impact of institutional change, norms, and networks.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 254. Maaike van der Vleuten (2018), “Gendered Choices: Fields of study of adolescents in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 253. Joran Laméris (2018), “Living together in diversity: Whether, why and where ethnic diversity affects social cohesion.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 252. Yassine Khoudja (2018), “Women’s labor market participation across ethnic groups: The role of household conditions, gender role attitudes, and religiosity in different national contexts.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 251. Bas Hofstra (2017), “Online social networks: Essays on membership, privacy, and structure.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 250. Timo Septer (2017), “Goal priorities, cognition and conflict: Analyses of cognitive maps concerning organizational change.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 249. Melissa Verhoef-van Dorp (2017), “Work schedules, childcare and well-being: Essays on the associations between modern-day job characteristics, childcare arrangements and the well-being of parents and children.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 248. Margriet van Hek (2017), “Gender inequality in educational attainment and reading performance: A contextual approach.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 247. Tatang Muttaqin (2017), “The education divide in Indonesia: Four essays on determinants of unequal access to and quality of education.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 246. Beau Oldenburg (2017), “Bullying in schools: The role of teachers and classmates.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 245. Mark Visser (2017), “Inequality between older workers and older couples in the Netherlands: A dynamic life course perspective on educational and social class differences in the late career.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 244. Maja Djundeva (2016), “Healthy ageing in context: Family welfare state and the life course.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 243. Josja Rokven (2016), “The victimization-offending relationship from a longitudinal perspective.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 242. Sara Geven (2016), “Adolescent problem behavior in school: The role of peer networks.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 241. Felix Christian Tropf (2016), “Social science genetics and fertility.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 240. Tali Spiegel (2016), “Identity, career trajectories and wellbeing: A closer look at individuals with degenerative eye conditions.” ICS- dissertation, Groningen
- 239. Rozemarijn van der Ploeg (2016), “Be a buddy, not a bully? Four studies on social and emotional processes related to bullying, defending, and victimization.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 238. Vincenz Frey (2016), “Network formation and trust.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 237. Kim Pattiselanno (2016), “At your own risk: The importance of group dynamics and peer processes in adolescent peer groups for adolescents’ involvement in risk behaviors.” ICS- dissertation, Groningen
- 236. Jesper Rözer (2016), “Family and personal networks: How a partner and children affect social relationships.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 235. André Grow (2016), “Status differentiation: New insights from agent-based modeling and social network analysis.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 234. Wike Been (2015), “European top managers’ support for work-life arrangements” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 233. Patrick Präg (2015), “Social stratification and health: Four essays on social determinants of health and wellbeing.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 232. Sanne Smith (2015), “Ethnic segregation in friendship networks: Studies of its determinants in English, German, Dutch, and Swedish school classes.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 231. Antonie Knigge (2015), “Sources of sibling similarity: Status attainment in the Netherlands during modernization.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 230. Nynke van Miltenburg (2015), “Cooperation under peer sanctioning institutions: Collective decisions, noise, and endogenous implementation.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 229. Britta Rüschoff (2015), “Peers in careers: Peer relationships in the transition from school to work.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 228. Sarah Westphal (2015), “Are the kids alright? Essays on postdivorce residence arrangements and children’s well-being.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 227. Miranda Visser (2015), “Loyality in humanity: Turnover among expatriate humanitarian aid workers.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 226. Tinka Veldhuis (2015), “Captivated by fear: An evaluation of terrorism detention policy.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 225. Jellie Sierksma (2015), “Bounded helping: How morality and intergroup relations shape children’s reasoning about helping.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 224. Fernando Nieto Morales (2015), “The control imperative: Studies on reorganization in the public and private sectors.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 223. Tim Immerzeel (2015), “Voting for a change: The democratic lure of populist radical right parties in voting behavior.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 222. Manuel Muñoz-Herrera (2015), “The impact of individual differences on network relations: Social exclusion and inequality in productive exchange and coordination games.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 221. Thomas Kowalewski (2015), “Personal growth in organizational contexts.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 220. Gijs Huitsing (2014), “A social network perspective on bullying” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 219. Mariska van der Horst (2014), “Gender, aspirations, and achievements: Relating work and family aspirations to occupational outcomes.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 218. Gina-Felicia Potarca (2014), “Modern love: Comparative insights in online dating preferences and assortative mating.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 217. Martijn Hogerbrugge (2014), “Misfortune and family: How negative events, family ties, and lives are linked.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 216. Michael Savelkoul (2014), “Ethnic diversity and social capital: Testing underlying explanations derived from conflict and contact theories in Europe and the United States.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 215. Anouk Smeekes (2014), “The presence of the past: Historical rooting of national identity and current group dynamics.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 214. Zoltán Lippényi (2014), “Transitions toward an open society? Intergenerational occupational mobility in Hungary in the 19th and 20th centuries.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 213. Esther Havekes (2014), “Putting interethnic attitudes in context: The relationship between neighbourhood characteristics, interethnic attitudes and residential behaviour.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 212. Roza Meuleman (2014), “Consuming the Nation: Domestic cultural consumption: Its stratification and relation with nationalist attitudes.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 211. Marloes de Lange (2013), “Causes and consequences of employment flexibility among young people: Recent developments in the Netherlands and Europe.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 210. Thomas de Vroome (2013), “Earning your place: The relation between immigrants’ economic and psychological integration in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 209. Dominik Morbitzer (2013), “Limited farsightedness in network formation.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 208. Ozan Aksoy (2013), “Essays on social preferences and beliefs in non-embedded social dilemmas.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 207. Wiebke Schulz (2013), “Careers of men and women in the 19th and 20th centuries.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 206. Lieselotte Blommaert (2013), “Are Joris and Renske more employable than Rashid and Samira? A study on the prevalence and sources of ethnic discrimination in recruitment in the Netherlands using experimental and survey data.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 205. Hidde Bekhuis (2013), “The popularity of domestic cultural products: Cross-national differences and the relation to globalization.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 204. Katia Begall (2013), “Occupational hazard? The relationship between working conditions and fertility.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 203. Anja-Kristin Abendroth (2013), “Working women in Europe: How the country, workplace, and family context matter.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 202. Anke Munniksma (2013), “Crossing ethnic boundaries: Parental resistance to and consequences of adolescents’ cross-ethnic peer relations” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 201. Nicoletta Balbo (2012), “Family, friends and fertility.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 200. Roderick Sluiter (2012), “The diffusion of morality policies among Western European countries between 1960 and 2010: A comparison of temporal and spatial diffusion patterns of six morality and eleven non-morality policies.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 199. Fransje Smits (2012), “Turks and Moroccans in the Low Countries around the year 2000: Determinants of religiosity, trend in religiosity and determinants of the trend.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 198. Mieke Maliepaard (2012), “Religious trends and social integration: Muslim minorities in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 197. Marieke van Schellen (2012), “Marriage and crime over the life course: The criminal careers of convicts and their spouses.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 196. Anca Minescu (2012), “Relative group position and intergroup attitudes in Russia.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 195. Michal Bojanowski (2012), “Essays on social network formation in heterogeneous populations: Models, methods, and empirical analyses.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 194. Alona Labun (2012), “Social networks and informal power in organizations.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 193. Jelmer Schalk (2012), “The performance of public corporate actors: Essays on effects of institutional and network embeddedness in supranational, national, and local collaborative contexts.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 192. Katya Ivanova (2012), “From parents to partners: The impact of family on romantic relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 191. Maike Gieling (2012), “Dealing with diversity: Adolescents’ support for civil liberties and immigrant rights.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 190. Valeska Korff (2012), “Between cause and control: Management in a humanitarian organization.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 189. Asya Zhelyazkova (2012), “Compliance under controversy: Analysis of the transposition of European directives and their provisions.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 188. Sigrid Mohnen (2012), “Neighborhood context and health: How neighborhood social capital affects individual health.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 187. Marieke van Londen (2012), “Exclusion of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands: The effects of individual and situational characteristics on opposition to ethnic policy and ethnically mixed neighbourhoods.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 186. Mark Levels (2011), “Abortion laws in European Countries between 1960 and 2010: Legislative developments and their consequences for women’s reproductive decision making.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 185. Ruud van der Horst (2011), “Network effects on treatment results in a closed forensic psychiatric setting.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 184. Giedo Jansen (2011), “Social cleavages and political choices: Large-scale comparisons of social class, religion and voting behavior in Western democracies.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 183. Tobias Stark (2011), “Integration in schools: A process perspective on students’ interethnic attitudes and interpersonal relationships.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 182. Natascha Notten (2011), “Parents and the media: Causes and consequences of parental media socialization.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 181. Annemarije Oosterwaal (2011), “The gap between decision and implementation: Decision making, delegation and compliance in governmental and organizational settings.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 180. Lea Ellwardt (2011), “Gossip in organizations: A social network study.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 179. Agnieszka Kanas (2011), “The economic performance of immigrants: The role of human and social capital.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 178. Miranda Vervoort (2011), “Living together apart? Ethnic concentration in the neighborhood and ethnic minorities’ social contacts and language practices.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 177. Wouter Steenbeek (2011), “Social and physical disorder: How community, business presence and entrepreneurs influence disorder in Dutch neighborhoods.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 176. Tim Huijts (2011), “Social ties and health in Europe: Individual associations, cross-national variations, and contextual explanations.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 175. Willem Huijnk (2011), “Family life and ethnic attitudes: The role of the family for attitudes towards intermarriage and acculturation among minority and majority groups.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 174. Marieke van de Rakt (2011), “Two generations of crime: The intergenerational transmission of convictions over the life course.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 173. Marie-Louise Damen (2010), “Cultuurdeelname en CKV: Studies naar effecten van kunsteducatie op de cultuurdeelname van leerlingen tijdens en na het voortgezet onderwijs.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 172. Michael Mäs (2010), “The diversity puzzle. explaining clustering and polarization of opinions.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 171. Kees Keizer (2010), “The spreading of disorder.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 170. Jelle Sijtsema (2010), “Adolescent aggressive behavior: Status and stimulation goals in relation to the peer context.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 169. Anne Roeters (2010), “Family life under pressure? Parents’ paid work and the quantity and quality of parent-child and family time.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 168. Borja Martinovic (2010), “Interethnic contacts: A dynamic analysis of interaction between immigrants and natives in Western countries.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 167. Stephanie Wiesmann (2010), “24/7 Negotiation in couples’ transition to parenthood.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 166. Olav Aarts (2010), “Religious diversity and religious involvement: A study of religious markets in Western societies at the end of the twentieth century.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 165. Rianne Kloosterman (2010), “Social background and children’s educational careers: The primary and secondary effects of social background over transitions and over time in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 164. Richard Zijdeman (2010), “Status attainment in the Netherlands, 1811-1941: Spatial and temporal variation before and during industrialization.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 163. Birgit Pauksztat (2010), “Speaking up in organizations: Four studies on employee voice.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 162. Nicole Tieben (2010), “Transitions, tracks and transformations: Social inequality in transitions into, through and out of secondary education in the Netherlands for cohorts born between 1914 and 1985.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 161. Miranda Sentse (2010), “Bridging contexts: The interplay between family, child, and peers in explaining problem behavior in early adolescence.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 160. Renske Keizer (2010), “Remaining childless: Causes and consequences from a life-course perspective.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 159. Lieke ten Brummelhuis (2009), “Family matters at work: Depleting and enriching effects of employees’ family lives on work outcomes.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 158. Nienke Moor (2009), “Explaining worldwide religious diversity: The relationship between subsistence technologies and ideas about the unknown in pre-industrial and (post-)industrial societies.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 157. Philip Wotschack (2009), “Household governance and time allocation: Four studies on the combination of work and care.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 156. Freek Bucx (2009), “Linked lives: Young adults’ life course and relations with parents.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 155. Jochem Tolsma (2009), “Ethnic hostility among ethnic majority and minority groups in the Netherlands: An investigation into the impact of social mobility experiences, the local living environment and educational attainment on ethnic hostility.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 154. Arieke Rijken (2009), “Happy families, high fertility? Childbearing choices in the context of family and partner relationships.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 153. Rense Corten (2009), “Co-evolution of social networks and behavior in social dilemmas: Theoretical and empirical perspectives.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 152. Manuela Vieth (2009), “Commitments and reciprocity in trust situations: Experimental studies on obligation, indignation, and self-consistency.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 151. Tom van der Meer (2009), “States of freely associating citizens: Comparative studies into the impact of state institutions on social, civic and political participation.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 150. Gerald Mollenhorst (2009), “Networks in contexts: How meeting opportunities affect personal relationships.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 149. Jessica Nooij (2009), “The self in social rejection.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 148. Gijs Weijters (2008), “Youth delinquency in Dutch cities and schools: A multilevel approach.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 147. Eva Jaspers (2008), “Intolerance over time: Macro- and micro-level questions on attitudes towards euthanasia, homosexuality and ethnic minorities.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 146. Gijs van Houten (2008), “Beleidsuitvoering in gelaagde stelsels: De doorwerking van aanbevelingen van de Stichting van de Arbeid in het CAO-overleg.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 145. Ellen Verbakel (2008), “The partner as resource or restriction? Labour market careers of husbands and wives and the consequences for inequality between couples.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 144. Margreet Frieling (2008), “‘Joint production’ als motor voor actief burgerschap in de buurt.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 143. Janneke Joly (2008), “People on our minds: When humanized contexts activate social norms.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 142. Stijn Ruiter (2008), “Association in context and association as context: Causes and consequences of voluntary association involvement.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 141. Ingrid Doorten (2008), “The division of unpaid work in the household: A stubborn pattern?” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 140. Andrea Knecht (2008), “Friendship selection and friends’ influence: Dynamics of networks and actor attributes in early adolescence.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 139. Ruud van der Meulen (2007), “Brug over woelig water: Lidmaatschap van sportverenigingen, vriendschappen, kennissenkringen en veralgemeend vertrouwen.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 138. Djamila Schans (2007), “Ethnic diversity in intergenerational solidarity.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 137. Wouter van Gils (2007), “Full-time working couples in the Netherlands: Causes and consequences.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 136. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra (2007), “Status and affection among (pre)adolescents and their relation with antisocial and prosocial behavior.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 135. Jan Reitsma (2007), “Religiosity and solidarity: Dsimensions and relationships disentangled and tested.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 134. Ruben van Gaalen (2007), “Solidarity and ambivalence in parent-child relationships.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 133. István Henrik Back (2007), “Commitment and evolution: Connecting emotion and reason in long-term relationships.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 132. Michael Schweinberger (2007), “Statistical methods for studying the evolution of networks and behavior.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 131. Sonja Vogt (2007), “Heterogeneity in social dilemmas: The case of social support.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 130. Patricia van Echtelt (2007), “Time-greedy employment relationships: Four studies on the time claims of post-Fordist work.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 129. Jacob Dijkstra (2007), “The effects of externalities on partner choice and payoffs in exchange networks.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 128. Marieke Voorpostel (2007), “Sibling support: The exchange of help among brothers and sisters in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 127. Willem-Jan Verhoeven (2007), “Income attainment in post-communist societies.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 126. Ayse Güveli (2007), “New social classes within the service class in the Netherlands and Britain: Adjusting the EGP class schema for the technocrats and the social and cultural specialists.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 125. Henrike Elzen (2006), “Self-Management for chronically ill older people.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 124. Helga de Valk (2006), “Pathways into adulthood: A comparative study on family life transitions among migrant and Dutch youth.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 123. Mirjam Plantinga (2006), “Employee motivation and employee performance in child care: The effects of the introduction of market forces on employees in the Dutch child-care sector.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 122. Stefan Thau (2006), “Workplace deviance: Four studies on employee motives and self-regulation.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 121. Jannes de Vries (2006), “Measurement error in family background variables: The bias in the intergenerational transmission of status, cultural consumption, party preference, and religiosity.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 120. Mathilde Strating (2006), “Facing the challenge of rheumatoid arthritis: A 13-year prospective study among patients and cross-sectional study among their partners.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 119. Lotte Vermeij (2006), “What’s cooking? Cultural boundaries among Dutch teenagers of different ethnic origins in the context of school.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 118. Mattijs Lambooij (2005), “Promoting cooperation: Studies into the effects of long-term and short-term rewards on cooperation of employees.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 117. Davide Barrera (2005), “Trust in embedded settings.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 116. Johan Hansen (2005), “Shaping careers of men and women in organizational contexts.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 115. Martin van der Gaag (2005), “Measurement of individual social capital.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 114. Carolien Klein Haarhuis (2005), “Promoting anti-corruption reforms: Evaluating the implementation of a World Bank anti-corruption program in seven African countries (1999-2001).” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 113. Ferry Koster (2005), “For the time being: Accounting for inconclusive findings concerning the effects of temporary employment relationships on solidary behavior of employees.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 112. Frank van Tubergen (2005), “The integration of immigrants in cross-national perspective: Origin, destination, and community effects.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 111. Esther de Ruijter (2005), “Household outsourcing.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 110. Carlijne Philips (2005), “Vakantiegemeenschappen: Kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek naar gelegenheid en refreshergemeenschap tijdens de vakantie.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 109. Maurice Gesthuizen (2004), “The life course of the low-educated in the Netherlands: Social and economic risks.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 108. Rita Smaniotto (2004), “‘You scratch my back and I scratch yours’ versus ‘love thy neighbour’: Two proximate mechanisms of reciprocal altruism.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 107. Renée van der Hulst (2004), “Gender differences in workplace authority: An empirical study on social networks.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 106. René Bekkers (2004), “Giving and volunteering in the Netherlands: Sociological and psychological perspectives.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 105. Tamar Fischer (2004), “Parental divorce, conflict and resources: The effects on children’s behaviour problems, socioeconomic attainment, and transitions in the demographic career.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 104. Javier Arregui Moreno (2004), “Negotiation in legislative decision-making in the European Union.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 103. Hanneke Schuurmans (2004), “Promoting well-being in frail elderly people: Theory and intervention.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 102. Vivian Meertens (2004), “Depressive symptoms in the general population: A multifactorial social approach.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 101. Marieke van der Wal (2004), “Competencies to participate in life: Measurement and the impact of school.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 100. Ineke Nagel (2004), “Cultuurdeelname in de levensloop.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 99. Marnix Croes en Peter Tammes (2004). Gif laten wij niet voortbestaan: Een onderzoek naar de overlevingskansen van Joden in de Nederlandse gemeenten, 1940-1945. Aksant Academic Publishers, Amsterdam.
- 98. Evelyn Hello (2003), “Educational attainment and ethnic attitudes: How to explain their relationship.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 97. Christiaan Monden (2003), “Education, inequality and health: The impact of partners and life course.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 96. Johan van Wilsem (2003), “Crime and context: The impact of individual, neighborhood, city and country characteristics on victimization.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 95. Christian Steglich (2003), “The framing of decision situations: Automatic goal selection and rational goal pursuit.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 94. Corine Hoeben (2003), “LETS’ be a community: Community in local exchange trading systems.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 93. Justine Horgan (2003), “High-performance human resource management in Ireland and the Netherlands: Adoption and effectiveness.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 92. Marcel van Egmond (2003), “Rain falls on all of us (but some manage to get more wet than others): Political context and electoral participation.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 91. Marc Verboord (2003), “Moet de meester dalen of de leerling klimmen? De invloed van literatuuronderwijs en ouders op het lezen van boeken tussen 1975 en 2000.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 90. Annelies Kassenberg (2002), “Wat scholieren bindt: Sociale gemeenschap in scholen.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 89. Merijn Rengers (2002), “Economic lives of artists: Studies into careers and the labour market in the cultural sector.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 88. Hilde Bras (2002), “Zeeuwse meiden: Dienen in de levensloop van vrouwen, ca. 1850 – 1950.” Aksant Academic Publishers, Amsterdam
- 87. Thomas Gautschi (2002), “Trust and exchange, effects of temporal embeddedness and network embeddedness on providing and dividing a surplus.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 86. Károly Takács (2002), “Social networks and intergroup conflict.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 85. Gerrit Rooks (2000), “Contract en conflict: Strategisch management van inkooptransacties.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 84. Alexander Gattig (2002), “Intertemporal decision making.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 83. Anne-Rigt Poortman (2002), “Socioeconomic causes and consequences of divorce.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 82. Miranda Jansen (2002), “Waardenoriëntaties en partnerrelaties: Een panelstudie naar wederzijdse invloeden.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 81. Jacques Janssen (2002), “Do opposites attract divorce? Dimensions of mixed marriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 80. Uwe Matzat (2001), “Social networks and cooperation in electronic communities: A theoretical-empirical analysis of academic communication and internet discussion groups.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 79. Marcel Lubbers (2001), “Exclusionistic electorates: Extreme right-wing voting in Western Europe.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 78. Marcel Coenders (2001), “Nationalistic attitudes and ethnic exclusionism in a comparative perspective: An empirical study of attitudes toward the country and ethnic immigrants in 22 countries.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 77. Alinda van Bruggen (2001), “Individual production of social well-being: An exploratory study.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 76. Inge Sieben (2001), “Sibling similarities and social stratification: The impact of family background across countries and cohorts.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 75. Marcel van Assen (2001), “Essays on actor perspectives in exchange networks and social dilemmas.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 74. Hester Moerbeek (2001), “Friends and foes in the occupational career: The influence of sweet and sour social capital on the labour market.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 73. Tamás Bartus (2001), “Social capital and earnings inequalities: The role of informal job search in Hungary.” ICS dissertation Groningen
- 72. Herman van de Werfhorst (2001), “Field of study and social inequality: Four types of educational resources in the process of stratification in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 71. Madelon Kroneman (2001), “Healthcare systems and hospital bed use.” ICS/NIVEL-dissertation, Utrecht
- 70. Jan Kratzer (2001), “Communication and performance: An empirical study in innovation teams.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 69. Inge de Wolf (2000), “Opleidingsspecialisatie en arbeidsmarktsucces van sociale wetenschappers.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 68. Bernard Nijstad (2000), “How the group affects the mind: Effects of communication in idea generating groups.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 67. Rudi Turksema (2000), “Supply of day care.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 66. Sylvia Peacock-Korupp (2000), “Mothers and the process of social stratification.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 65. Sandra van Thiel (2000), “Quangocratization: Trends, causes and consequences.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 64. Agnes Akkerman (2000), “Verdeelde vakbeweging en stakingen: Concurrentie om leden.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 63. Peter Mühlau (2000), “The governance of the employment relation: Arelational signaling perspective.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 62. Marjolein Achterkamp (1999), “Influence strategies in collective decision making: A comparison of two models.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 61. René Veenstra (1999), “Leerlingen, Klassen, Scholen: Prestaties en vorderingen van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs.” Amsterdam, Thela Thesis
- 60. Diane Payne (1999), “Policy Making in the European Union: An analysis of the impact of the reform of the structural funds in Ireland.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 59. Rafael Wittek (1999), “Interdependence and informal control in organizations.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 58. Corine Baarda (1999), “Politieke besluiten en boeren beslissingen: Het draagvlak van het mestbeleid tot 2000.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 57. Robert Thomson (1999), “The party mandate: Election pledges and government actions in the Netherlands, 1986 1998.” Amsterdam: Thela Thesis
- 56. Gerhard van de Bunt (1999), “Friends by choice: An actor-oriented statistical network model for friendship networks through time.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 55. Mérove Gijsberts (1999), “The legitimation of inequality in state-socialist and market societies, 1987-1996.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 54. Susanne Rijken (1999), “Educational expansion and status attainment: A cross-national and over-time comparison.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 53. Vincent Buskens (1999), “Social networks and trust.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 52. Marinus Spreen (1999), “Sampling personal network structures: Statistical inference in ego graphs.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 51. Wilma Smeenk (1998), “Opportunity and marriage: The impact of individual resources and marriage market structure on first marriage timing and partner choice in the Netherlands.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 50. Maarten Wolbers (1998), “Diploma-inflatie en verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt: Een studie naar ontwikkelingen in de opbrengsten van diploma’s in Nederland.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 49. Per Kropp (1998), “Berufserfolg im Transformationsprozeß: Eine theoretisch empirische Studie über die Gewinner und Verlierer der Wende in Ostdeutschland.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 48. Jack Hutten (1998), “Workload and provision of care in general practice: An empirical study of the relation between workload of Dutch general practitioners and the content and quality of their care.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 47. Jim Allen (1997), “Sector composition and the effect of education on Wages: An international comparison.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 46. Ariana Need (1997), “The kindred vote: Individual and family effects of social class and religion on electoral change in the Netherlands, 1956 1994.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 45. Jacques Niehof (1997), “Resources and social reproduction: The effects of cultural and material resources on educational and occupational careers in industrial nations at the end of the twentieth century.” ICS dissertation, Nijmegen
- 44. Anna Petra Nieboer (1997), “Life events and well-being: A prospective study on changes in well-being of elderly people due to a serious illness event or death of the spouse.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 43. Marijke von Bergh (1997), “Loopbanen van oudere werknemers.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 42. Boris Blumberg (1997), “Das Management von Technologiekooperationen: Partnersuche und Verhandlungen mit dem Partner aus Empirisch Theoretischer Perspektive.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 41. Anne-Geerte van de Goor (1997), “Effects of regulation on disability duration.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 40. Róbert Gál (1997), “Unreliability: Contract discipline and contract governance under economic transition.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 39. Lucienne van Eijk (1997), “Activity and wellbeing in the elderly.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 38. Kees van Veen (1997), “Inside an internal labor market: Formal rules, flexibility and career lines in a Dutch manufacturing company.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 37. Andreas Flache (1996), “The double edge of networks: An analysis of the effect of informal networks on cooperation in social dilemmas.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 36. René Torenvlied (1996), “Besluiten in uitvoering: Theorieën over beleidsuitvoering modelmatig getoetst op sociale vernieuwing in drie gemeenten.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 35. Jooske van Busschbach (1996), “Uit het oog, uit het hart? Stabiliteit en verandering in persoonlijke relaties.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 34. Koos Postma (1996), “Changing prejudice in Hungary. A study on the collapse of state socialism and its impact on prejudice against Gypsies and Jews.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 33. Chris Snijders (1996), “Trust and commitments.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 32. Ellen Lindeman (1996), “Participatie in vrijwilligerswerk.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 31. Nardi Steverink (1996), “Zo lang mogelijk zelfstandig: Naar een verklaring van verschillen in oriëntatie ten aanzien van opname in een verzorgingstehuis onder fysiek kwetsbare ouderen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 30. Anneke Cancrinus-Matthijsse (1995), “Tussen hulpverlening en ondernemerschap: Beroepsuitoefening en taakopvattingen van openbare apothekers in een aantal West-Europese landen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 29. Beate Volker (1995), “Should auld acquaintance be forgot…? Institutions of communism, the transition to capitalism and personal networks: The case of East Germany.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 28. Roger Leenders (1995), “Structure and influence: Statistical models for the dynamics of actor attributes, network structure, and their interdependence.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 27. Paul Ligthart (1995), “solidarity in economic transactions: An experimental study of framing effects in bargaining and contracting.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 26. Kwasi Boahene (1995), “Innovation adoption as a socioeconomic process: The case of the Ghanaian cocoa industry.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 25. Jos de Haan (1994), “Research groups in Dutch sociology.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 24. Liset van Dijk (1994), “Choices in child care: The distribution of child care among mothers, fathers and non parental care providers.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 23. Wim Bernasco (1994), “Coupled careers: The effects of spouse’s resources on success at work.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 22. Jaco Berveling (1994), “Het stempel op de besluitvorming: Macht, invloed en besluitvorming op twee Amsterdamse beleidsterreinen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 21. Evelien Zeggelink (1993), “Strangers into friends: The evolution of friendship networks using an individual oriented modeling approach.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 20. Gerbert Kraaykamp (1993), “Over lezen gesproken: Een studie naar sociale differentiatie in leesgedrag.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 19. Peter van der Meer (1993), “Verdringing op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: Sector- en sekseverschillen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 18. Marc Jacobs (1993), “Software: Kopen of kopiëren? Een sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek onder PC gebruikers.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 17. Tanja van der Lippe (1993), “Arbeidsverdeling tussen mannen en vrouwen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 16. Marcel van Dam (1992), “Regio zonder regie: Verschillen in en effectiviteit van gemeentelijk arbeidsmarktbeleid.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 15. Peter van Roozendaal (1992), “Cabinets in multi party democracies: The effect of dominant and central parties on cabinet composition and durability.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 14. Conny Taes (1992), “Kijken naar banen: Een onderzoek naar de inschatting van arbeidsmarktkansen bij schoolverlaters uit het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 13. Ed Boxman (1992), “Contacten en carrière : Een empirisch theoretisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen sociale netwerken en arbeidsmarktposities” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 12. Cora Maas (1992), “Probleemleerlingen in het basisonderwijs.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 11. Hanneke Hermsen (1992), “Votes and policy preferences: Equilibria in party systems.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 10. Gert Westert (1991), “Verschillen in ziekenhuisgebruik.” ICS dissertation, Groningen
- 9. Rudi Wielers (1991), “Selectie en allocatie op de arbeidsmarkt. Een uitwerking voor de informele en geïnstitutionaliseerde kinderopvang.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 8. Ronald Batenburg (1991), “Automatisering in bedrijf.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 7. Sjerp de Vries (1991), “Egoism, altruism, and social justice: Theory and experiments on cooperation in social dilemmas.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 6. Karin Sanders (1991), “Vrouwelijke pioniers: Vrouwen en mannen met een ‘mannelijke’ hogere beroepsopleiding aan het begin van hun loopbaan.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 5. Jan van den Bos (1991), “Dutch EC policy making: A model guided approach to coordination and negotiation.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 4. Marjolein Broese van Groenou (1991), “Gescheiden netwerken: De relaties met vrienden en verwanten na echtscheiding.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 3. Ineke Maas (1990), “Deelname aan podiumkunsten via de podia, de media en actieve beoefening: Substitutie of leereffecten?” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
- 2. Marco van Leeuwen (1990), “Bijstand in Amsterdam, ca. 1800-1850: Armenzorg als beheersings en overlevingsstrategie.” ICS dissertation, Utrecht
- 1. Kees van Liere (1990), “Lastige leerlingen: Een empirisch onderzoek naar sociale oorzaken van probleemgedrag op basisscholen.” Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers
In the spotlight

Private: SOCION: 30 million euros for social cohesion research
The SOCION consortium, in which social sciences and humanities researchers from five different knowledge institutions are conducting research on social cohesion, has secured a €30 million Summit Grant